Attention all soldiers — and of course, soldier-groupies. Friday, Cobalt is hosting its first-ever all day, all night Military Party. The club is requesting patrons...
Never mind the down economy. In a different kind of bear market - and in pop music in general - Richard Morel is having a...
If some local sports enthusiasts' dreams come true, Washington will be the site of the 2014 Gay Games. That's the hope for some, following an...
Lately I've been saying that on Nov. 4, the lies about Sen. Barack Obama would finally end - and the lies about President-elect Obama would...
It's a pleasantly humid autumn night in the nation's capital. But on this Tuesday, Nov. 4, along with the drizzle, there is electricity in the...
''I guess I just lost my husband,'' sings Alecia Moore, better known as the pop star Pink, at the top of the first song on...
Heavenly Round-Up: What a long, strange trip it will have been -- but that's after lots of hindsight. In the meantime, there's all kinds of...
Despite the fevered grace renowned soprano Renee Fleming brings to the conflicted femme fatale of Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia, this is one opera that requires more...
Tony Moran's partner of nine years died last May. ''Dealing with that while others were watching was difficult,'' says Moran, an acclaimed dance music producer...
In 2003, Will Gartshore crafted a cabaret at Signature Theatre entitled Finding Home, which examined his previously rootless existence between New York and Washington along...
To and from all nearby points, we Washingtonians commute. Some make their daily roundtrips on rails, some on tires, some on foot. In the midst...
US President:BARACK OBAMA WINS! California Proposition 8: (91% reporting @ 5am WST) 51.9% FOR 48.1% AGAINSTEliminates Right of Same Sex Couples to Marry Arkasas Act...
Hearsay thought that headline might get your attention. And your attention is what Hearsay seeks. If you haven't already voted, then might Hearsay bitchily ask...
“I was very excited when they told me that Erica and Callie were going to have this relationship. And I really hoped we were going...
”We are very upset about this and apologize to any site visitors from the state of California that might have been offended by the ads…....
”Naturally, we want to see ourselves represented and have our stories told. But this (broadening representation) is also important because we know that images on...
”Tell Senator Mitch McConnell to be straight with Kentucky! Was Mitch McConnel discharged from the United States Army in 1967 for committing homosexual act with...