Maybe you just want to have a quiet evening at home. Maybe you live in a neighborhood where the local children are less Beaver Cleaver...
Sure, it may be conventionally considered a gay holiday, but -- diversity being the bane of the monolithic -- Halloween is not universally loved by...
Beyond the halls of power, Washington might not seem like a very spooky place. Nearby Baltimore or Richmond seem far more haunted, with the ghost...
Look upon any pedestrian crowd, and you're bound to find any number of women casually going about their business in high heels. Enter any gay...
While they say clothes may make the man, Ebone Bell, aka E-Cleff, says it really has more to do with the facial hair. And with...
Admit it. Every Halloween comes with a touch of been there, done that as the annual parade of Dorothys and first-time drag queens hits the...
Boo! Did we scare you? Probably not. You're all big boys and girls, after all. But even big boys and big girls can run into...
”The idea that we would be forced as clergy to perform a marriage that was against our conscience, or that a church would lose its...
”We think that these genetic differences might reduce testosterone action and under masculinise the brain during foetal development…. There is a social stigma that transsexualism...
”There is no reason to change the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease 2% of our population.” Pastor Rick Warren, a mega-church pastor who’s...
”Maybe people don’t want to talk about it, but it is definitely a major issue. They feel takes away from the image of...
”Until we make laws that make it clear these attacks are not OK, the nation will continue to be scarred.” Neil Giuliano of GLAAD responding...
Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, 84, who was convicted of receiving and not reporting $250,000 in gifts from a disgraced executive in the oil services industry,...
Hearsay knew it would only be a matter of time before some gay boys put their freak-em dresses on and had fun with Beyonce's new...
”She has been telling everyone over and over that she’s still into guys. She keeps saying if anything went wrong with Sam she would date...
”We did invite Bill , and we didn’t hear from him…. What’s really important to us right now is this Proposition 8,...
”Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies...
”Oh, cricket? It’s a fag game. What are you, nuts?” Entertainer Jerry Lewis, 82, at a press conference in Australia, responding to a question on...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Will O'Bryan Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 11:00 AM Shorts presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts AGING...