Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (3 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 12:00 PM Shorts presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts WE...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Tom Avila Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 1:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Todd Franson Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 2:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts KEITH...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Kristina Campbell Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 3:00 PM Shorts presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts ...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Todd Franson Rating: (5 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 4:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Will O'Bryan Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 6:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center for the Arts ...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (5 out of 5) Saturday, 10/25/2008, 8:30 PM Feature presentation, $20 at Shakespeare Theatre's Harman Center fo
”Everyone uses fear in the last part of a campaign, but evangelicals are especially theologically prone to those sorts of arguments. There’s a long tradition...
”Make a donation of a like amount to which will help us correct this error. Were you to elect not to donate comparably, it...
”’You have to look at whether or not you isolate and segregate children. A holistic approach has always been to have children of all different...
This may be the most brilliant campaign commercial ever. Ever. See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Tim Plant Rating: (3 out of 5) Friday, 10/24/2008, 5:00 PM Feature presentation, $0 at Lincoln Theatre LEZ BE FRIENDS is like Laverne...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (4 out of 5) Friday, 10/24/2008, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at AFI Silver ''I DON'T...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Tom Avila Rating: (4 out of 5) Friday, 10/24/2008, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Lincoln Theatre IT'S A MOVIE about a private...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Tom Avila Rating: (5 out of 5) Friday, 10/24/2008, 9:00 PM Feature presentation, $10 at Lincoln Theatre ONE OF THE MARKS...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (5 out of 5) Friday, 10/24/2008, 9:15 PM Feature presentation, $10 at AFI Silver EVERY QUEER GENERATION has its cultural...
Well finally! It's been years since Tracy "Living Theatre" Young returned to her roots to spin her sweet tribal sound. In that time, the University...
”I don’t know if you saw this, but vice presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin says that she’s in favor of a Federal ban on gay...
”This is a public library. We are here to be welcoming of all families of all kinds.” Laura Holbrook, one of several Calvert County library...
Reel Affirmations 2008 Review by Tim Plant Rating: (3 out of 5) Thursday, 10/23/2008, 5:00 PM Feature presentation, $0 at 6th & I Synagogue READY? OK!...