Necessity, as they say, is the mother of invention. And in these days of uncertain gas prices and economic unease, necessity may need to get...
Ride that bike safely and with style. Here are a few items to help protect both you and your eco-friendly, heart-healthy, money-saving bicycle from thieves,...
is Oliver Stone's answer to the George W. Bush administration -- and actually the Bush dynasty as a whole, since Bush 1 makes a series...
Heavenly Round-Up: You're doing the best you can with what you have. You're working what you've got till you're not sure you can anymore. These...
Welcome to Metro Weekly's guide to the Reel Affirmations film festival for 2008. There's more than 60 presentations of film and video shorts this year...
”It is our policy to not be involved in political and social issues. McDonald’s remains neutral on same-sex marriage or any ‘homosexual agenda’ as defined...
”We say marriage is ordained by God. If it’s ordained by God, then it’s not something that you or I or anybody else — the...
”I keep in touch with everyone but Eve . I have great relationships with all of them…. were very close. We were...
”It is not going to be a ‘gay high school,’ but yes, in a way, it is meant to target kids who feel they have...
”How is marriage protected by intimidating gay and lesbian people into loveless and lonely lives? I am morally compelled to vote no on Proposition 8…....
”This is a great victory for me and anyone who believes in equality. It gives me hope that the Georgia Supreme Court did what was...
”Interpreting our state constitutional provisions in accordance with firmly established equal protection principles leads inevitably to the conclusion that gay persons are entitled to marry...
”We wanted something with a little pop to it, and we wanted to neutralize an epithet, like a lot of groups have done with the...
Governor Palin called for ‘tolerance’, and we hoped she’d show that type of leadership as Governor with this proclamation. Coming out is a difficult and...
”We found that many senior citizens who choose to stay unmarried, have the potential to loose their pension benefits, 401(k) benefits, hospital visitation rights, and...
”We’ve actually tried to address issues that haven’t changed. It’s been ten years. Why haven’t things progressed further than they have?… The level of ignorance...
There was a full agenda in one particular room of Howard University, Monday night, Oct. 6. Outside, the quad offered a peaceful, moonlit, academic oasis....
”As a result of not being able to match dollar for dollar, we have seen a change.” Geoff Kors, of Equality California, pleading for more...
”After Nov. 4, it’s possible the door to having that experience of a legally recognized marriage will be closed. And faced with that, many couples...