Obama for Gay Marriage … Against God Obama for Abortion (Murder) Obama Endorsed by the KKK Jessie Jackson hates Obama for Federal Child Support Act...
”Yeah, women started the whole fucking thing. Now you’ve got ‘Uncle’ Women, like Sarah Palin, who jumps on the shit and points her fingers at...
”The LDS Church has no business their big nose in something that’s a legal matter, not a religious matter. Constitutions are meant to protect...
Tomorrow night sees the return to D.C. of Blowoff after a summer hiatus and out-of-town expansion. You can expect hairy muscle lads and dads out...
”Even as we speak, he’s still out there, getting up to no good. He’s done nothing good with his life — he’s arrested time and...
Those talented and tasty DC Cowboys may have been voted off NBC's America's Got Talent last month (too soon!) after making it through several rounds...
”Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the...
”Oh, I don’t know. But I’m not one to judge. And, uh, you know, I’m from — uh, a family, and from a community with...
”’Brokeback Mountain’ has had little effect on my writing life, but is the source of constant irritation in my private life. There are countless people...
I'm sick of the phony reasons some gay people give for opposing Barack Obama. I am not talking about my friends in Log Cabin Republicans,...
The Latino GLBT History Project (LHP) commemorates Hispanic Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Heritage Month with ''Presente,'' an exhibit chronicling D.C.'s gay Latino history. The...
The Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit of the Metropolitan Police Department is reporting that members of the Metro Transit Police responded to an assault at...
In this election season, the Gay History Project has attempted to interview both the Democratic and Republican candidates for president, using the same format: the...
Perhaps a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to motivating a community, a picture -- far more than flow charts of crime...
''It's the little movie that could,'' says Richard Kimmel about his first feature film, Schwarzwald: The Movie You Can Dance To. Based on music and...
Though one cannot but envy the idea of seeing an opera with beer, hotdogs and vast commodes on tap, it is also somewhat hard to...
Heavenly Round-Up: What's done is done, right? Well, yes and no -- in this case. Envision for yourself what it is that you might go...
My experience with the Mitsubishi Lancer goes way back. That is, if you're counting hours logged playing Gran Turismo on the PlayStation, where tricked out...
For the first few months of her pregnancy, Andrea Askowitz didn't know what was wrong. ''I just felt really anxious and angry and just not...
There are only three groups who should willingly sit through The Women: females who nightly juggle TMZ.com, Haagen Dazs and Lifetime while wrapped in a...