Singer Inaya Day recalls the time she first heard herself on the radio, in the mid-1990s. ''I heard this song come on, and the chorus...
Sitting in his doctor's office on June 2, Justin Smith breaks down and begins to cry. Just a few seconds earlier, when asked by his...
BORDERS BOOKSTORES Various locations · Naomi Wolf -- Give Me Liberty (9/16, 18th & L Streets NW) · Michael Scott -- The Magician (9/16,...
ART FOR LIFE Carnegie Institute of Washington 1530 P St. NW · The 15th annual reception and art auction to benefit Whitman-Walker Clinic's HIV/AIDS...
CLARICE SMITH PERFORMING ARTS CENTER University of Maryland College Park, Md. 301-405-ARTS · Tie Shopping with My Father -- Kathrine Iacono's father was a...
September Who fired Amanda Palmer? Actually, no one. The singer-songwriter and keyboardist is still with the Dresden Dolls; she's just taking a break to release...
THE BARNS AT WOLF TRAP Tina Turner at Verizon Center 1645 Trap Rd. Vienna, VA 703-255-1900 · Noel Paul Stookey -- the ''Paul'' in...
BACH SINFONIA 301-362-6525 The Genius of Haydn -- A festive program exploring a wide range of works by Haydn, including Overture to La Fedeltá...
AMERICAN CENTURY THEATER 'Romeo and Juliet' at Shakespeare Theatre Gunston Theater II 2700 S. Lang St. Arlington, Va. 703-998-4555 · Dr. Cook's Garden --...
Dates subject to change at the whim of a studio executive. September THE WOMEN -- The long-in-gestation remake of the 1939 George Cukor classic that...
James Davis as Juliet (Photo by Todd Franson) When I was a young lad, my father sat me down, looked me squarely in the eye...
Photo of the glass face of the Havens Corner Church sign. Apparently it was hit with grafitti in response to the conservative religious organization’s earlier...
‘The court gave a ringing endorsement to the principle that ordinary citizens have the right to challenge and test the validity of a petition submitted...
”There is no logical or common sense reason why taxpayer-funded public libraries should make available every latest ‘gay’-affirming book — including those designed to open...
”Contrary to every child welfare principle, the gay adoption ban operates as a conclusive or irrebuttable presumption that . . . it is never in...
”It was just interesting, because everyone thought, ‘Oh, how cute! A lady OBGYN is moving into town. How sweet.’ As some of these media things...
”My own sadness with what appears to be an obsession with human sexuality is the fact that the world is hurting, the world is hungry,...
”You’ll be encouraged by the power of God’s love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality.” From an insert of...
”I just wanted to tell everyone that I was just fired from my work at subway because I have done gay porn. A customer said...
”We don’t empty Genesis House of all the characters at the end; Mark leaves, but everyone else stays. It wasn’t our intention to bash ex-gay...