Robin McKelle Remember ''Abracadabra''? The Steve Miller Band's '80s hit was good cheesy pop, but it was less magic trick than novelty act. If you...
YOKO ONO'S PEACE DANCE... In a world coming increasingly unmoored, pleas for peace may seem naïve, but they're also very necessary. Just as she did...
Contemplation of the Post-Industrial Family surely ranks as one of the most indispensable themes of the modern playwright. What writer worth their salt can resist...
Hamlet 2 is blasphemy, pure and simple. And it's not just the musical number ''Rock Me Sexy Jesus'' that's going to have people apoplectic; Shakespeare...
In a time of four-dollar-a-gallon gas, nothing primes the pump of personal satisfaction quite like driving a hybrid. You can sigh with self-important relief as...
Heavenly Round-Up: There are a million relevant details -- or is that a million and three? They replicate like tribbles: The more you do, the...
Love him or hate him, blog-reading Washingtonians know Mike Rogers. And his handiwork can be seen in some collapsed careers. Rogers is that boogeyman that...
Being an early adopter in the world of blogging, Jim Barrett has learned a few lessons over time. ''I've learned not to write about family,...
Born just a few months apart and thousands of miles from each other, both John Aravosis and Andrew Sullivan today call Washington home. And both...
Advances in technology are often heralded as labor-saving enhancements of our way of life. Yet the technology often seems to simply create avenues for even...
Laura Varlas wasn't expecting the outpouring of responses to her blog post last April about lesbian business attire, what she dubbed ''lez casual.'' ''It was...
The revolution came and it was blogged. Since the advent of personal blogs as an internet phenomenon, the new media format has literally changed the...
When John Flowers and his partner, David Muller, bought a small row house near Dupont Circle, the roof was one of the first projects they...
”We did our time. What happened to us after we got out doesn’t have anything to do with whether we deserve care. We are aware...
”If Obama wins and we have a Democratic majority in the House and the Senate, we will see legislation that will remove some of the...
”As an African-American and a lesbian, I haven’t been through one day without facing some sort of discrimination … but this is just shocking.” Lapriss...
”Arkansas needs to affirm the importance of married mothers and fathers. We need to publicly affirm the gold standard of rearing children whenever we can....
”I would describe it as ‘Take me.’ … My friends say my sense of style is bitch.” — Shawn Rachel, 28 ”Today is classic and...
”Our findings support the idea that bondage and discipline and sadomasochism (BDSM) is simply a sexual interest or subculture attractive to a minority…. People with...
I thought, ‘Get over yourself!’ I had literally written out a check to the Obama campaign. And then I saw him in...