I will always hold Rene Auberjonois dear for his hysterical two-second impersonation of Lloyd Bridges in the priceless '80s horror flick Eyes of Laura Mars....
If you watched the Tony Awards this past Sunday you saw Lily Tomlin deliver the set-up for a performance from the Broadway musical Xanadu. Reduced...
M. Night Shyamalan achieves something amazing in his latest film, The Happening. Not only has he made a film about people killing themselves, his film...
Depending on her style on a given day, Elvira Kurt may look as though she's just been groomed by the producers of The L Word...
''I tried to sing, but I couldn't think of anything. That was the hardest part,'' Chris Martin sang on his band Coldplay's last album, 2005's...
Heavenly Round-Up: Not only will you survive, you will achieve and leave a unique footprint. But first you have to get through the day-to-day catastrophes...
Anyone who works with a computer -- in any capacity -- really should have a Universal Serial Bus, or USB drive. They're used for transferring...
As technological advances go, the basic book has had a long and distinguished run. It spurred the exchange and preservation of knowledge among individuals and...
Capital Pride Parade co-chairs Steven Walker and Eric Reader had watched every float and contingent kick off from the parade's starting point at 23rd and...
Let's say you and your partner live in D.C. and are thinking of trading in your domestic partnership for a California wedding. Your heart says:...
”Sexuality is a tricky question…. You get into transgender—it embraces all of that—and you have people’s fear and dislike of things that are different. Nobody...
”I came out to my parents, and they were OK…. Nobody stopped being my friend. Sometimes, when I’m around something, like ‘That’s so gay,’ will...
“ was in the wrong place at the wrong time…. He became a victim of that defendant’s machismo and utter disregard for...
”I think for me, I feel like we’ve been married spiritually a long time. But to have the state recognize the marriage, it just feels...
You have asked whether the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”), Pub. L. No. 104-199, 110 Stat. 2419 (1996), would prevent the Commissioner of Social Security...
”I now pronounce you spouses for life in the sight of God, the Jewish community and all people.” Reform Rabbi Denise Eger officiating over the...
”I believe the family is a cornerstone for a strong society, and I’m all in favor of everything we can do to build up the...
”The granddaughter had just finished having sex with another 16-year-old girl and was in an upstairs bedroom. Beddell walked in and found them together. The...
”We have to remember to say, ‘I do.’ OK?” Phyllis Lyon, 83, speaking to her lesbian partner, Del Martin, 87. The couple are to be...
”This is a very interesting study demonstrating a possible neurobiological relationship in brain size between gay men and straight women.” Paul Sanberg, professor of neurosurgery...