Spend five minutes browsing a Williams-Sonoma catalog and you'll see the world is filled to the brim with kitchen gadgets built to perform highly specific...
Your window till Mother's Day is rapidly closing. Fear not -- there is still time. For the traditional flowers, A Little Shop of Flowers, www.dcnet.com/littleshop,...
“Plaintiff will testify at trial that he needed to have a disrobed male present in the room with them when the parties had sexual relations...
“There’s an emerging rhetoric around monogamy among young gay couples. In that way, they’re a lot more like married heterosexual couples than they are like...
“I really feel that my personal privacy was invaded. I mean, Principal Beasley called my mother and outed me to my mother!” — Memphis high...
What's your trick for getting out of jury duty? I'd be very surprised if you don't have at least one simple method to suggest. Last...
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and residents of Montgomery County have joined forces with Equality Maryland, the state's GLBT equal-rights advocacy group, in...
Tweakers, a movie born of collaboration by two members of the West Hollywood Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board, Jimmy Palmieri and Sue Sexton, hoping to...
Even though the Power of Us National Convention attracted fewer patrons than organizers of the event had originally hoped for during its three-day run, April...
This is a poignant time of year for Jody M. Huckaby, who in March marked three years as the executive director of Parents, Families &...
While some 2,000 members of D.C.'s theater community filled their plates and glasses at the 24th Annual Helen Hayes Awards' post-show Ovations Gala, Monday, April...
VIRGIN RETURNS TO BALTIMORE... The U.S. edition of the celebrated British Virgin Festival will once again take place on a hot midsummer weekend at Baltimore's...
About two years ago, Allan Green, 67, knew something was wrong, something that needed to be checked. ''I simply knew there was something not right....
Baby Mama cries out to be compared to a pregnancy. First, it starts off making you queasy. Then, it keeps growing and gets more and...
Heavenly Round-Up: Practicality and sentiment wage war within you. Will you succumb to nostalgia and give it up for the warm fuzzies? Will you harden...
Mitsubishi strikes me as a bit of an odd car company, with some exceptionally strong entries for both performance (the go-go Lancer) and style (the...
While many New Yorkers spent late 2001 trying to make sense of the new post-9/11 world, Freddy Freeman spent the time making his world bigger....
Is Madonna so shameless and craven she'd sacrifice her own artistry for commercial success? Well, maybe. ''You're only here to win, forget what they say,''...
Perez hilton Whether you love him or hate him, there's no denying that Perez Hilton -- aka Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr. -- has Hollywood by...
Santa Maria Maggiore is unique among the Patriarchal Basilicas of Rome in that it retains its original structure, though it has been enhanced over the...