Heavenly Round-Up: Is it now or never? It doesn't have to be. If you're feeling a certain pressure, you haven't accounted for the obvious. There's...
Before Scott Barker learns how to play the fiddle, the 43-year-old will take his final bow with the D.C. Different Drummers' Capitol Pride Symphonic Band....
''A star is born,'' Oprah Winfrey declared after Lewis performed ''Bleeding Love'' on her show last month, immediately recommending that viewers buy the single. Whatever...
A vast range of influences from various countries, cultures and religions are lumped into what people call ''Eastern Art.'' And unless you know what to...
The sun shines brightly in the blue sky, the air has warmed and the trees are once more green. Now is not the time to...
Yes, it’s before Memorial Day, but it’s also a new millennium. Go ahead and wear white tonight if you want to! And if you do,...
DONNA SUMMER'S NEW HOT STUFF... A gay household name for more than 30 years, Donna Summer has had a couple club hits during the past...
Heavenly Round-Up: You'll say what you have to say with feeling. You'll feel what you have to feel with turbo-charged intensity. You'll drive home for...
The day will come when you'll want to know what to do with that rutabaga. Whether you're new to the possibilities of your home kitchen...
Sony learned something in the 1980s when its Beta format lost the videocassette wars to rival VHS. Namely, always bring a bazooka to a knife...
Walking along U Street Northwest on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination, there is little sign that the neighborhood was on fire forty years...
When serving up poignancy, there cannot be contrivance unless it is intended. In any other form, its presence will dull and deflate the impact of...
There's a point where you want to say, ''Enough already!'' For the past several weeks Washington audiences have been running around the metro area seeing...
Anyone lucky enough to see Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and A View from the Bridge consecutively (and thanks to Arena's Arthur Miller Festival,...
For many, memories of high school include at least one late night spent staring at a blank piece of paper (or computer screen) trying to...
What is it about the good old days of classic screwball comedies that lure proven, otherwise competent directors? Do they really think they can recapture...
If marketed properly, a new recording from George Michael could become another gay anthem. ''I told myself I was straight, but I shouldn't have worried,...
Reverend Fernando Frontan, a Protestant pastor credited as being the first openly gay activist in Uruguay, is currently leading several workshops and gatherings, on global...
A small group of prominent gay Catholics is holding a press conference, ''A Few Minutes with the Pope,'' Thursday, April 10 from 9 to 11...
About 80 members of the metro D.C. GLBT community and allies gathered Tuesday night to continue strategizing against one of the community's stealthier enemies: same-sex,...