Metro Weekly

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  • “references to sexual activity”

    ”Gay is approved for copy and preferred over homosexual, except in clinical references or references to sexual activity.” — Erik Wemple, Washington City Paper editor,...

  • “It was a tough movie to watch.”

    ”It was a tough movie to watch. I’ve been with my partner for 30 years and it’s always been an issue: What if one of...

  • “You have to be either a man or a woman”

    ”I am Iranian. I want to live here and this society tells you: You have to be either a man or a woman.” — Negar...

  • “tell all Nepalis that we have equal rights”

    ”We are standing in the elections to fight the discrimination against our community. This is a very symbolic approach to tell all Nepalis that we...

  • “I’m going to take something you love from you”

    ”You take something you love from me and you can damn well bet I’m going to take something you love from you, too.” — Jimmy...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round Up: It's a brand new, beautiful day. There's a shift in perspective being born every minute, but this cycle is especially powerful in...

  • Namasté

    Through much of South Asia, from India to Nepal to Sri Lanka, hands pressed together with fingers pointed skyward is a gesture of respect and...

  • Wages of Sin

    It's unlikely that anyone was more surprised than I when I found myself agreeing with Maggie Gallagher last week. Granted, her pro-marriage views tend not...

  • Fighting to Keep Equality

    A group of Montgomery County residents, backed by Equality Maryland, filed a lawsuit March 14 against the County Board of Elections for certifying petitions from...

  • Old Timers

    More than 3,000 people are expected in Washington for the 2008 Aging in America Conference, scheduled for March 26-30, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel...

  • PEN Dinner

    The Potomac Executive Network (PEN), D.C.'s GLBT chamber of commerce, which works to promote the success of gay-oriented businesses and their allies in the metropolitan...

  • Do Tell

    It was almost embarrassing to be an American at a recent Georgetown University Law Center panel titled, ''Sexual Orientation and Military Preparedness: An International Perspective.''...

  • Strained Glass

    It was like a bad case of déjà vu. Walking into the Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, D.C. (MCCDC) on a Saturday morning only to...

  • Twisted Sister

    There are a lot of surprises in store for readers of Christopher Rice's new novel, Blind Fall, not the least of which is that it's...

  • Web Singer

    Apparently, cherry blossoms weren't enough. It seems everyone wants his own festival. The Kennedy Center is spending the month of March cozying up with August...

  • White Hot

    Once again, Woolly Mammoth courageously enters the realm of black-white relations, this time via up-and-coming playwright David Adjmi's new play Stunning. Much like The Unmentionables,...

  • The Damned

    In a recent metro-area school production of Don Quixote, parents were shocked and dismayed when teenage members of the audience greeted a fellow classmate's performance...

  • Good Stuff

    Can an aging band find new relevance -- or at least renewed appeal -- after a 16-year absence from the recording studio? Unlikely, no matter...

  • The DP Files

    Tax season began more than a month ago for those with all the pertinent documents gathered, tax forms filled out and duplicated, taxes paid or...

  • Gears

    As a younger, more inexperienced man, I often dismissed Volkswagens as a collection of odd bugs and rabbits, with a hippie van tossed in for...