Metro Weekly

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  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round Up: It's not the temperature, so it must be the time. There's something different. It's all around you. It's in the air you...

  • Gold Rush

    ''Oh, goddammit, fuckhead ass!'' Judy Gold's phone won't stop making loud bleeping noises. And it's getting on her nerves. And the one thing you don't...

  • Damien Ministries' Nickel Dies

    Rev. James R. Nickel, executive director of Damien Ministries, the HIV/AIDS organization inspired by the Catholic Church and located in Northeast, had beaten renal cancer...

  • Now Open

    The Concerned DC Providers Coalition, a group committed to improving the health of ''young transgender women of color and men of color who have sex...

  • Assault at HRC Store

    Sgt. Brett Parson, head of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department's special liaison units, including the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU), and the Human Rights...

  • Grant Givers

    Brother Help Thyself, a community-based organizations that helps other non-profit organizations serving the GLBT and HIV/AIDS communities in Baltimore and D.C., gave away more than...

  • Tragedy in Woodbridge

    Darius Cooke no longer sleeps in the bed he once shared with Keith Jamar Truesdale, his partner of nearly two years. Until he moves out...

  • Church Lady

    When Rev. Christine Wiley took her turn to speak at a recent HIV/AIDS town-hall meeting called to address the alarming data recently cited in a...

  • Musical Therapy

    Three songs into Bob Mould's compelling new album, it sounds like he's giving up. As if he's not even going to bother finishing the song...

  • Miami Sizzle

    DJ Oren Nizri will make his D.C. debut next week, but chances are you've already heard his deck-work. Nizri's recorded sets as resident DJ at...

  • Acts of Bravery

    Over at Woolly Mammoth, sisters are doing it for themselves. The risk-taking downtown theater company has literally packed the house with two one-woman shows. Nilaja...

  • Pure Gold

    It's hard to say what Theater J audiences will carry away with them after seeing Judy Gold perform 25 Questions for a Jewish Mother (...

  • Funny Business

    If ever you've been torn between stand-up or improvisational comedy, comic Jennie McNulty feels your pain. ''It's not a sketch show, not just stand-up --...

  • Last Word

    ''You would need a magnifying glass to see any real or substantive differences between the three candidates.'' -- Alan Van Capelle, executive director of the...

  • Purging Playwright

    As surreal experiences go, Martin Moran has one that's hard to beat. He's the author of The Tricky Part -- first a Lambda Literary Award-winning...

  • Feel the Heat

    The D.C. metro area is many things, but inaccessible is not one of them. And lucky for us during these ugly, gray weeks of winter,...

  • Turbocharged Practicality

    What are the words that describe a Subaru? Useful. Utilitarian. Practical. There's a theme, you see. That's not to say the 2008 Subaru Outback is...

  • Living Single

    I am, at heart, an introvert. It's not that I don't have friends (I have a few) or don't like people (some of you are...

  • Going for Barack

    ''We are one people.'' It is easy to say, but we have struggled over it for 232 years. The charismatic speaker, who once wrestled with...

  • Drums and dancing bums

    Can you believe it’s time for another weekend already? Hearsay was busy last weekend getting leathered and lathered, but it didn’t get truly slathered until...