Metro Weekly

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  • From the Editor

    One of the questions I'm often asked in my capacity as a film critic is, ''What's your favorite movie of all time?'' My answer usually...

  • HAA calling for HIV/AIDS listings

    The Department of Health's HIV/AIDS Administration (HAA) is currently preparing an updated version of its free ''Directory of HIV/AIDS Services in the District of Columbia,''...

  • Crawling for Kids

    The Youth Pride Alliance's ''Fall Crawl,'' scheduled for 3 to 7 p.m., on Saturday, Oct. 20, hitting a number of venues on 17th Street in...

  • Out On the Web

    There's not exactly a ''main event'' on National Coming Out Day. Mark Shields, the 30-year-old Logan Circle resident, who directs the D.C.-based Human Rights Campaign's...

  • One Stroke at a Time

    There are plenty of sports clubs in the D.C. area catering to the gay crowd -- from softball to running to biking to ultimate Frisbee....

  • Female Trouble

    What's so remarkable about The Taming of the Shrew is that, despite all the changes to the status of women in the last century, Shakespeare's...

  • Word Smiths

    It's hard to say what's tougher about Steve Connell and Sekou (tha misfit)'s two-man show, The Word Begins -- the raw-to-bleeding wordplay, the street-hard posturing...

  • Law and Disorder

    ''I'm not a miracle worker,'' scowls Michael Clayton (George Clooney) to a self-important client of Kenner, Bach & Ledeen, a corporate law firm for whom...

  • Karen Black Magic

    In case you were wondering, Karen Black, whose acting career has spanned the last five decades, has never seen Karen Black Like Me, the infamous...

  • Last Word

    ''It is an absolutely unfair burden. It is a burden no one else is asked to bear, and it is something I will not do.''...

  • The Return of Julian Marsh

    Last Sunday, Hearsay popped in to check on Atmos Events’ Delirium Party, launched just before Labor Day. And sure enough, the place is still drawing...

  • Winning Town

    The movie pass winners of our Town contest from a few weeks ago are Mark Anderson, Peter Murphy and someone named Carl. Yes, just Carl....

  • Brent Everett Goes Cobalt Blue

    It’s one social event after another in these here parts, these last few weeks, and right now is probably peak week. But not everything is...

  • Chipping In

    One 21st birthday that's not being celebrated in a bar will be Saturday, Oct. 6, as Whitman-Walker Clinic presents its annual AIDS Walk Washington. Instead,...

  • Spiritual Shenanigans

    Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip... Maybe I have TV Land on the brain, but director...

  • Coming Home

    He created a stir earlier this year by stripping Macbeth down to its bare essentials. But one Shakespearean tragedy performed entirely in the buff is...

  • Melissa Warming

    Melissa Etheridge reassures herself that she's fine on her bright and boisterous new single ''Message to Myself.'' The song is suspiciously sunny and sweet. It...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round Up: Now is the time to grow up and act your age. Now is the time to burn off the old patterns tangling...

  • Last Word

    ''Moving forward on this bill now will also better serve the ultimate goal of including people who are transgender, than simply accepting total defeat...

  • HRC honors GLLU

    The Human Rights Campaign is scheduled to recognize the efforts of Washington's Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU), on Friday, Oct. 5, at the Washington...