Heavenly Round-Up: Maybe you've got it like that, and maybe you've fallen into believing the hype. With so much extra material swirling around the issues...
I do not spend much time in nude dancing clubs. I nonetheless defend them for several reasons: Because adults in an international city like Washington...
Out 2 Paddle, a gay rowing team sponsored by metropolitan Washington's Asian/Pacific-Islander Queers United for Action (AQUA), took the gold at the sixth annual Dragon...
For those who could not make it to the May 16 town-hall meeting called by Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr. (D-Ward 5), at Bethesda Baptist Church...
About 100 people gathered at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Southwest Washington Thursday, May 17, for D.C. Fights Back's HIV/AIDS Speak Out. The goal: Start...
More than a decade has passed since the since Tyra Hunter, a transgender D.C. woman, died. But correcting the transphobic and homophobic culture of the...
James W. Hawkins likes to get things organized the way they should be. Take, for instance, his middle name. ''My mother named me 'Westley,' after...
Rufus Wainwright poses a loaded question as his new album begins: ''Do I disappoint you?'' On the rambunctious song of that title, he is rhetorically...
RENEWING OUR PRIDE... We had wandered so long in the dark, we thought we were lost forever. We kept stumbling on promising new dance compilations,...
In recent weeks, those who ride the Metro have invariably come across the large posters advertising an exhibition of human bodies that have been variously...
PlatinumD.C.GovernmentHumanRights CampaignMetroWeeklyWashingtonBlade GoldBETClikMagazineCoca-ColaCoorsBrewing Company SouthernVoice SilverKaiserPermanenteUsHelping Us BronzeAdamsNational BankBennettCareer InstituteEbonyPyramid EntertainmentGLADDI.Gorman JewelersKMPGNationalBlack Justice CoalitionNationalCenter for Lesbian Rights NationalGay and Lesbian Task ForceRedHot BroadwaySuccumbMagazineTheCenter - Home...
The following is a list of Washington, D.C. Community-Based Organizations. The Abundant Life Clinic 717 Eighth St. SE Washington, D.C. 20003 Dr. Michael Muhammad, Exec....
From Altanta to Toronto, below is the list of Black Pride events around the U.S. and Canada. June BLACK GAY PRIDE NEW ENGLAND Boston, Ma....
Franchelle ''Frenchie'' Davis gained fame -- and infamy -- during an all-too-brief round as a finalist in American Idol's second season. But she had her...
Among the infamous milestones of the HIV pandemic, June 2005 and the figure 46 percent stand out for African-American gay men. It was then that...
If you've ever caught any of the episodes from the third season of BET's College Hill, a reality show about eight black college students, you...
The following venues and promoters have supported Black Lesbian & Gay Pride Day Inc., the nonprofit organization that produces D.C. Black Pride weekend. We hope...
Sunday, May 27, 2007 Washington Convention Center, Hall C 801 Mount Vernon Place NW Noon to 6 p.m. 8MO Recordings A&E Ventures LLC Adams National...
The 2007 Black Pride Planning Committee Chair James Hawkins Communications Director Ray Daniels Event Management Director DaJuan Xavier Event Management Associate Directors Charles Coward Tommy...
There's no mistaking the theme of D.C. Black Pride 2007. This four-day festival is most certainly ''Black All Over.'' But don't forget the fine print....