Who We Are Youth Pride Alliance, now in its 11th year, was founded in 1996 by Christopher Dyer. Our primary function is the annual production...
As we celebrate this year's theme, Unique in Identities, United in Pride, we are taking note of how much courage it takes to come out...
Sara Mindel Youth Pride Day Director Allison Bayley Volunteer Coordinator Brian McNamee Games Coordinator, Scholarship Coordinator David Koegel Technical Director Michael Banks Treasurer Nikisha Carpenter...
Platinum Human Rights Campaign SMYAL Gold Brother Help Thyself The Center Cherry Fund Whitman-Walker Clinic Silver Black Pride GLSEN -- Northern Virginia Chapter Gay Life...
Youth Pride Alliance Allies Reception Honoring: Darlene Nipper, Cheryl Specter, and City at Peace Friday, April 20 7 to 9:30 p.m. Toutorsky Mansion 1720 16th...
As part of its 11th annual celebration, the Youth Pride Alliance is honoring three allies who have contributed to the well-being and growth of GLBTQ...
Speakers & Performers Saturday, April 28 P Street Park 23rd & P Streets NW Noon to 5 p.m. As of press time, in alphabetical order....
Saturday, April 28 P Street Park 23rd & P Streets NW Noon to 5 p.m. As of press time, in alphabetical order. Subject to change....
On the surface, an openly gay actor, one who majored in musical theater in college, may not run against the grain. But Eric Millegan is...
Heavenly Round-Up: You've established and fostered that which mattered. Now you're harvesting the fruits of your labors. Will it be bitter or sweet? Plentiful or...
A headline catches your eye. Or maybe its America's Most Wanted and suddenly you are immersed in the graphic details of an unspeakable crime. It...
He may sing ''I've gone identity mad!'' on his debut album's opening tune and single, ''Grace Kelly,'' but Mika doesn't actually sound as confused about...
Gay Men's Chorus appoints new E.D. Robert Johnson has been playing the piano since he was 9 years old. Now 31, Johnson, a member and...
A voice-over narration that condescends to the audience isn't the most auspicious start for a film, particularly for Boy Culture, the story of a Seattle...
Wake up, moviegoing America! Right before your eyes last weekend came an original: a witty, exceedingly well-crafted tribute to the exploitation flicks of the '70s,...
Ahead of the May 1 special election for D.C. City Council seats from Wards 4 and 7, as well as a Board of Education seat...
It is perhaps the quietest day of the school year: The Day of Silence, a national effort in which students at high schools, colleges and...
A prodigal if uncomplicated return... Testing. Testing. Is this thing on?... Oh, you don't TALK into it, you TYPE into it and when words come...
Heavenly Round-Up: It's been a long, slow climb up the steep, steep hill. Now you can see a clear path down that slippery slope before...
As soon as Placido Domingo, wearing his Washington National Opera General Director hat, stepped on stage to tell us that former Domingo-Cafritz Young Artist JiYoung...