Metro Weekly

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  • D.C. Marriage 101

    Did you know that the District of Columbia now ranks sixth in the nation (as compared with states) in legal protections for same-sex couples? This...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: The changing of seasons brings a certain degree of chaos, anomie and a mood of free-floating anxiety tied to all those tiny little...

  • Healthy Choice

    To mark the fifth annual LGBT Health Awareness Week, organized by the D.C.-based National Coalition for LGBT Health, the Whitman-Walker Clinic is holding an open-house...

  • The Birds vs. the Bees

    Parents representing Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum (CRC) generated buzz last week by protesting against Montgomery County's sex-ed pilot program with signs that read ''Health...

  • Flamingo Road

    You don't have to freeze your fanny out in the cold in order to smoke a cigarette at Freddie's Beach Bar & Restaurant. Jennifer Michie,...

  • Night in the City

    When Diana Ross crooned her immortal ''Love Hangover,'' she probably didn't have a waitress and short-order cook in mind. But who hasn't felt that dreamy...

  • Harmonic Convergence

    You might be a girly man if... you spent a recent morning at work listening to the Dixie Chicks. ''We were just listening to them...

  • Femme Virtuosos

    Lucinda Williams put her faith in a lover who ''looked right into my eyes, said I'm not like the other guys.'' But her lover lied...

  • The Buff Stuff

    Lots of hot, sweaty, buff, nearly-naked men. Do you need more convincing to run out and see 300? If so, consider this: It's a visually...

  • Gray Areas

    On a snowy afternoon in early February, D.C. looks a bit more like Hollywood East, a bit less the nation's capital. Tucked away in an...

  • Tainted Infamy

    All Karl Jones asks for is a little dance music diversity. ''When I first moved to D.C. six years ago, there really was nothing,'' he...

  • Soundwaves

    EVOLVE-ING INTO IRRELEVANCE... Victor Calderone waxes nostalgic about clubbing days past on his just-released compilation, Evolve. ''When I look back into the days, the better...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round Up: Is there a snake in the garden? Is there trouble in paradise? Or are you only all worked up over a little...

  • Pussycat Doll

    It's hard to be the pussycat -- especially when you know that your gay audience is going to be comparing you to Babs. So if...

  • Zoning Out

    A pending effort to transfer the liquor license used for the former Edge-Wet nightclub in Southeast D.C. -- a victim of baseball stadium-fueled redevelopment --...

  • Transgender Titles

    After brainstorming with other members at Transgender Health Empowerment, Inc., Brian Watson, director of programs at THE, says he decided that a pageant was the...

  • Final Chapter

    Funny, generous, kind. Those are the words friends use to describe Niam Marcus Slyman -- better known simply as Marc -- who died Monday, Feb....

  • Prime-time Pioneer

    In mid July of 1992, the United States was simmering -- not from the heat, so much as the feeling of change in the air....

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: Don't take your eye off the ball for a second. Everything is in a new kind of flux -- chaos will resolve itself...

  • Local News Briefs

    Virginia Legislative Session wraps Sarah Gustafson, president of Equality Fairfax, says she is ''pleased'' with the outcome of Virginia's 2007 legislative session, which convened Jan....