Metro Weekly

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  • Positive Nutrition

    The kitchen is said to be the heart of the home -- and for people who are HIV positive, it can be the heart of...

  • Defining a Foe

    Continuing its series of ''town hall'' style forums to discuss methamphetamine use in Washington, the D.C. Crystal Meth Working Group (CMWG) Monday evening, Feb. 26,...

  • Snake on a Chain

    First off, an important disclaimer about Black Snake Moan. The snakes are metaphorical -- they did not follow Samuel L. Jackson off the plane. In...

  • Step Right Up!

    Like a colorful circus poster come to life, the Kennedy Center's production of Bob Merrill's Carnival! leaps with song, dance, magic and an abundance of...

  • Break It Down

    It's a sunny 80 degrees in Puerto Vallarta, where Mara Levi is celebrating her 30th birthday with family and working on her tan. She's also...

  • Mister Sister

    You may have heard that a Scissor Sisters show is exercise in energy -- if you're not ready to dance in the aisles, why bother?...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You said the magic words and threw the beans over your shoulder. Now they're sprouting: Large as life and twice as natural, they're...

  • Musical Flexibility

    ''Movin' Up'' may have a religious provenance with its powerful chorus delivered by a church-reared belter, but God had nothing to do with DJ Mike...

  • Modern Makeovers

    Erin McKeown's latest album launches a bit ominously, with her shouting, ''Hallelujah, all you sinners gather round...just follow me.'' It becomes easy enough to do,...

  • Nonstop Assault

    The short life of Sarah Kane is one of those stories that are equal parts artistic legend and unredeemable tragedy. An aspiring actress, Kane gradually...

  • Law Breaking

    Breaking and Entering is an adult film with adult themes, an adult pace and adult sensibilities. It's awash in a sea of adultness. And why...

  • Local Briefs

    Whitman-Walker Clinic welcomes Capital Pride partners Thirteen local organizations have partnered with Whitman-Walker Clinic to organize and plan this year's Capital Pride celebration, scheduled for...

  • Visible Moments

    Sonali Gulati never had the chance to come out to her mother, who died several years ago. For the past two years, the South Asian...

  • Last minute break

    The answer was in his wallet all along. And when Howard Daniel stumbled upon on the business card of Steven S. Smith in November 2006,...

  • State of the Movement

    Nearly 100 people gathered at the Human Rights Campaign's headquarters on Tuesday, Feb. 20, for the D.C. Chapter of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists...

  • Location, Location, Discrimination

    VOTERS AND LEGISLATORS in Virginia have been increasingly busy in recent times, seemingly vying for the title of most homophobic state in the union. As...

  • Home Sweet Home

    In the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, talk often turns to real estate. The same could be said for most of the county, if not the...

  • Mixing It Up

    While it may have been a simple and ''silly'' thing when he made a short video to audition as DJ for the daytime talker Ellen,...

  • All in the Family

    Not that it's the kind of conflict of interest that would spark the interest of rabid media watchdogs, but I should probably point out that...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: It's not the road to nowhere, but it's definitely the scenic route. Don't believe the locals who say you can't get there from...