Gustavo F. Velasquez, recently confirmed director of the D.C. Office of Human Rights, spoke at the regular monthly meeting of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club...
Jova to be liaison to GLLU, Chief Lanier Metropolitan Police Department Lt. Alberto Jova told the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club that he would be working...
During an emotional hearing in Courtroom 111 of D.C.'s Superior Court on Thursday, Feb. 8, Preston Randolph Logan, 43, pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder...
Why Rachel Crites and Rachel Smith committed suicide may never be known. When the two Montgomery County teens disappeared in early February, becoming a major...
If the Dixie Chicks can't get time on country radio these days, then there's no hope for Erasure. But if the Dixie Chicks can sweep...
In theater, the ''ghost light'' is a single bare bulb on a pole left in the center of the stage between performances so that the...
''The first designer who started doing clothes for me was Gianni Versace,'' recalls concert pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet. ''That was the late '80s and it was...
Sheila Alexander-Reid is a little shaken when she arrives to be interviewed. She explains that earlier in the day, she found signs on her car,...
It's a pretty sure bet that if you name your kid Hannibal, he'll grow up to be a serial killer. But what kind of serial...
Heavenly Round-Up: What you want may be so much more unboundaried than what you get that you may not recognize the superabundance with which you've...
New Law Proposed for Youth in Clubs D.C. Councilmember Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) has proposed legislation that would require all establishments in Washington that serve...
It's official: Darlene Nipper is stepping down as director of Mayor Fenty's Office of LGBT Affairs. Beyond that, the details get a bit muddy. While...
Since naming himself interim director of the city's HIV/AIDS Administration (HAA) in January, D.C. Department of Health Director of Dr. Gregg Pane has taken a...
At first glance, there may seem to be a romantic subtext to scheduling the annual Equality Maryland Lobby Day -- for the past several years...
A bill that ensures hospital-visitation rights for same-gender couples in Virginia has passed the House of Delegates by a unanimous vote, and will be voted...
The 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation was an exciting step for the American GLBT community. In a...
John Epperson's favorite Joan Crawford film is Berserk. The one with the ax? ''No,'' he corrects the reporter gently, ''that one was called Straight Jacket....
Matthew Bourne doesn't mind if you mistake Edward Scissorhands, his dance adaptation of the 1990 Tim Burton film, for a musical. ''You can forgive people...
Wouldn't it be nice if we could capture the souls of our loved ones just before their ascent (or descent, as it were) to the...
Sure, you could reserve a candlelit table at one of D.C.'s finest restaurants, or prepare your own seductively sumptuous feast at home next Wednesday. But...