Members of the Lambda Bridge Club MISSION: For 25 years, Lambda Bridge Club has provided a social atmosphere for gay bridge players, with 50 active...
Imagine the typical rock-and-roll cover band. There might be some big hair, a few tattoos, and some die-hard groupies. And the whole scene looks pretty...
Heavenly Round-Up: If you must live scrupulously by your word, how will your methods of interfacing change? Assume that you want to be careful what...
A full spectrum of anti-crystal-meth groups, from the grassroots on up, turned out at Whitman-Walker Clinic for a local recognition of National Methamphetamine Awareness Day,...
''There is a killer on the loose.'' That was the message from Rev. Dyan Abena McCray at the World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil at Freedom...
No one knows how long it will take Maryland's Court of Appeals to reach a decision on the fate of a 1973 state law that...
When it comes to making positive life changes, Sally Michael wrote the book. The 61-year-old lesbian's ongoing recovery from a stroke she suffered six years...
DJ PODCAST PIONEERS... Let's say you were dancing recently, and you went crazy over a song you never heard before. Unfortunately, you don't remember the...
Gregory Douglass seems to have a real fear of falling -- especially falling in and out of love. On his new album, Up & Away,...
She Loves Me is a gay old time: It's light, funny and has a happy ending. In other words, it's perfect for the holidays. It's...
What The History Boys is about, exactly, is open to some interpretation. A theater enthusiast might simply offer that, during its Broadway run this year,...
MODERN LIVING in Alexandria, where the clean lines of modernism create a distinct space among the more traditional enclaves. Open spaces, wooded views and fabulous...
Heavenly Round-Up: It's funny how quickly tasks, activities, obligations and other things pile up this time of year. You started with a handicap, remember? Don't...
When Earline Budd and Brian Watson of Transgender Health Empowerment (THE) first discussed plans to commemorate the eighth annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, they originally...
If Peter LaBarbera had his way, there would be a caution sign next to all of Franklin Edward Kameny's 70,000 artifacts documenting the gay rights...
It is the best of albums, it is the worst of albums. With apologies to Charles Dickens, never before has there been a more polarizing...
An adoring, profanity-laced love note to the fans who helped push Jack Black up the stairway to fame, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny...
As a self-described Scrooge, I always applied that label to myself without actually knowing the full story of Charles Dickens's classic A Christmas Carol: A...
There are any number of ways to have an enjoyable evening when attending Legends! at The National Theatre. You can walk down memory lane, reading...
Mika FREDDIE MERCURY'S SPAWN: MIKA... George Michael. Robbie Williams. Elton John. Scissor Sisters. Up-and-coming pop sensation Mika channels those four contemporary artists, among many others....