Metro Weekly

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  • Lambda Bridge Club

    Members of the Lambda Bridge Club MISSION: For 25 years, Lambda Bridge Club has provided a social atmosphere for gay bridge players, with 50 active...

  • Wicked Cool

    Imagine the typical rock-and-roll cover band. There might be some big hair, a few tattoos, and some die-hard groupies. And the whole scene looks pretty...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: If you must live scrupulously by your word, how will your methods of interfacing change? Assume that you want to be careful what...

  • Tina Time

    A full spectrum of anti-crystal-meth groups, from the grassroots on up, turned out at Whitman-Walker Clinic for a local recognition of National Methamphetamine Awareness Day,...

  • A Night of Vigilance

    ''There is a killer on the loose.'' That was the message from Rev. Dyan Abena McCray at the World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil at Freedom...

  • One More Step

    No one knows how long it will take Maryland's Court of Appeals to reach a decision on the fate of a 1973 state law that...

  • Words of Wisdom

    When it comes to making positive life changes, Sally Michael wrote the book. The 61-year-old lesbian's ongoing recovery from a stroke she suffered six years...

  • Soundwaves

    DJ PODCAST PIONEERS... Let's say you were dancing recently, and you went crazy over a song you never heard before. Unfortunately, you don't remember the...

  • Beautiful Balloon

    Gregory Douglass seems to have a real fear of falling -- especially falling in and out of love. On his new album, Up & Away,...

  • Good and Gay

    She Loves Me is a gay old time: It's light, funny and has a happy ending. In other words, it's perfect for the holidays. It's...

  • Boys on Film

    What The History Boys is about, exactly, is open to some interpretation. A theater enthusiast might simply offer that, during its Broadway run this year,...

  • Environs

    MODERN LIVING in Alexandria, where the clean lines of modernism create a distinct space among the more traditional enclaves. Open spaces, wooded views and fabulous...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: It's funny how quickly tasks, activities, obligations and other things pile up this time of year. You started with a handicap, remember? Don't...

  • A Time to Remember

    When Earline Budd and Brian Watson of Transgender Health Empowerment (THE) first discussed plans to commemorate the eighth annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, they originally...

  • Historic Controversy

    If Peter LaBarbera had his way, there would be a caution sign next to all of Franklin Edward Kameny's 70,000 artifacts documenting the gay rights...

  • Scatter Pop

    It is the best of albums, it is the worst of albums. With apologies to Charles Dickens, never before has there been a more polarizing...

  • Destiny's Child

    An adoring, profanity-laced love note to the fans who helped push Jack Black up the stairway to fame, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny...

  • New Traditions

    As a self-described Scrooge, I always applied that label to myself without actually knowing the full story of Charles Dickens's classic A Christmas Carol: A...

  • Stage Fright

    There are any number of ways to have an enjoyable evening when attending Legends! at The National Theatre. You can walk down memory lane, reading...

  • Soundwaves

    Mika FREDDIE MERCURY'S SPAWN: MIKA... George Michael. Robbie Williams. Elton John. Scissor Sisters. Up-and-coming pop sensation Mika channels those four contemporary artists, among many others....