Cazwell is not your typical rapper. As far as we know, Eminem has never admitted to masturbating via webcam, or to liking foreskin. Sure, maybe...
While art may be famously hard to define, in the case of Art for Life it's easy to define it as a lifesaver. Over 12...
Heavenly Round-Up: We're beginning to see the effects of that which grinds slow but exceedingly fine. It seems that God was in the details, but...
I can't remember the last decision I made, or the last piece of knowledge I affirmed, without using the World Wide Webbery, the George W....
In the 12 years that Craig Shniderman has worked as the Executive Director of Food & Friends, an organization that prepares, packages and delivers food...
The headstone above Leonard P. Matlovich's grave at the Congressional Cemetery in Southeast D.C. does not include his name. It simply reads ''A Gay Vietnam...
While the Democrats made gains by taking the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday, the country's gay community got handed a mixed bag of results. The...
The experience of seeing the Washington Shakespeare Company's production of Equus really begins when you arrive at the Clark Street Playhouse. While technically in Crystal...
''See the sky, see the ocean!'' cry Butterfly's friends as they watch her boat approach with surreal slowness. Though they exclaim at the beauty surrounding...
''There are so few American films that use sex in a complicated way,'' says Shortbus director John Cameron Mitchell on a recent weekday afternoon at...
''Back away from the blog.'' That's hard for Andrew Sullivan to do, even if his partner and fiancé is the one asking him to do...
Heavenly Round-Up: You live in ideologically dangerous times. Are you choosing to live in a state of internal lock-down? Are you resigned to letting the...
I routinely form irrationally concrete opinions about things that I barely understand. I'm opposed to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to ban trans...
The glut of gifting holidays may be some weeks off, but The Center, ''Home for GLBT in Metro DC,'' announced an early present Oct. 19....
It's only November, but Annie Shaw, director of Whitman-Walker Clinic's Lesbian Services Program, is already holding a hefty waiting list for the January session of...
Rarely have I heard an audience erupt in the manner in which they did during a key scene in Borat. An explosive startled laughter quickly...
While D.C.'s election stories may have burned brightest back in September, the states that surround the nation's capital have taken up the torch for closely...
It's no shocker to many gay activists that Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who is running for reelection, ignored a questionnaire on gay related...
At the intersection of P and Ninth streets NW, there is evidence that the gay gentrification of Logan Circle may be creeping ever eastward. On...
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is a perennial favorite, containing everything needed for a fun night of theater: a broad range of characters, an...