Metro Weekly

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  • Homo Hop

    Cazwell is not your typical rapper. As far as we know, Eminem has never admitted to masturbating via webcam, or to liking foreskin. Sure, maybe...

  • Life Savers

    While art may be famously hard to define, in the case of Art for Life it's easy to define it as a lifesaver. Over 12...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: We're beginning to see the effects of that which grinds slow but exceedingly fine. It seems that God was in the details, but...

  • Scrolling in Scrubs

    I can't remember the last decision I made, or the last piece of knowledge I affirmed, without using the World Wide Webbery, the George W....

  • Holiday Help

    In the 12 years that Craig Shniderman has worked as the Executive Director of Food & Friends, an organization that prepares, packages and delivers food...

  • Honor Role

    The headstone above Leonard P. Matlovich's grave at the Congressional Cemetery in Southeast D.C. does not include his name. It simply reads ''A Gay Vietnam...

  • Win Some, Lose Some

    While the Democrats made gains by taking the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday, the country's gay community got handed a mixed bag of results. The...

  • Gift Horse

    The experience of seeing the Washington Shakespeare Company's production of Equus really begins when you arrive at the Clark Street Playhouse. While technically in Crystal...

  • Taking Flight

    ''See the sky, see the ocean!'' cry Butterfly's friends as they watch her boat approach with surreal slowness. Though they exclaim at the beauty surrounding...

  • Busload

    ''There are so few American films that use sex in a complicated way,'' says Shortbus director John Cameron Mitchell on a recent weekday afternoon at...

  • Soul Searching

    ''Back away from the blog.'' That's hard for Andrew Sullivan to do, even if his partner and fiancé is the one asking him to do...

  • Horoscope

    Heavenly Round-Up: You live in ideologically dangerous times. Are you choosing to live in a state of internal lock-down? Are you resigned to letting the...

  • Got a Minute?

    I routinely form irrationally concrete opinions about things that I barely understand. I'm opposed to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to ban trans...

  • Room to Grow

    The glut of gifting holidays may be some weeks off, but The Center, ''Home for GLBT in Metro DC,'' announced an early present Oct. 19....

  • Family Planning

    It's only November, but Annie Shaw, director of Whitman-Walker Clinic's Lesbian Services Program, is already holding a hefty waiting list for the January session of...

  • Social Study

    Rarely have I heard an audience erupt in the manner in which they did during a key scene in Borat. An explosive startled laughter quickly...

  • A Dominion Decision

    While D.C.'s election stories may have burned brightest back in September, the states that surround the nation's capital have taken up the torch for closely...

  • Looking Down the Road

    It's no shocker to many gay activists that Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who is running for reelection, ignored a questionnaire on gay related...

  • From the Bottom Up

    At the intersection of P and Ninth streets NW, there is evidence that the gay gentrification of Logan Circle may be creeping ever eastward. On...

  • Halfway There

    William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream is a perennial favorite, containing everything needed for a fun night of theater: a broad range of characters, an...