April was a banner month for Latin@s en Accion -- literally. The local group, championing the metro area's GLBT Latino community, joined the National March...
Remember that little brat in grade school who always had to have her way? Bullying, blackmail, even bruises wouldn't stop her from hogging all the...
After mainstream success 20 years ago, the Pet Shop Boys remain one of Europe's most successful pop duos. On this side of the Atlantic, Neil...
THROUGHOUT HUMAN HISTORY, music has been used to make statements that go far beyond stringing notes together for the sake of a pleasing tune. Patriotic...
AND THIS YEAR'S SUMMER ANTHEM IS... Now that the season has officially begun, it's time to consider contenders for Song of Summer 2006. At this...
When I was a moviegoing teenager, two movies scared the devil out of me: The Exorcist and The Omen -- the first for its unrelenting,...
As the Capital Pride parade turns the corner of R Street and 17th, my friends and I stand on our chairs on the patio of...
City Council chairman and D.C. mayoral hopeful Linda Cropp got two boosts from the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, a GLBT group, Monday night, June 12....
Within the gay community, years of so-called ''ex-gays'' falling off the wagon, assessments by the American Psychiatric Association, and plain commonsense have relegated the whole...
Contemporary economics means the death of a terrorist in the wilds of Iraq may translate to a dip in gas prices around the world. Or...
Members of GLIFAA (Photo by Todd Franson) MISSION: Founded in 1992, GLIFAA works for full parity for GLBT personnel and their families in U.S. foreign...
Summer is here in a glowing orange crush of sun, surf, and... Shakespeare? That's right, Michael Kahn blends the Beatles with the Bard in a...
Sex sells. And when it comes to memoirs, so do drugs, prostitution and pornography. When those words – along with a large, naked photo of...
View more Capital Pride Festival photos As the stormy weather dissipated at dusk on Friday, June 9, it left at least one rainbow over D.C....
Aviance AVIANCE ATTACK... It's that time of year when you just may be at your gay-proudest. Maybe you're so confident and comfortable you're even starting...
The 2005 Parade curves around Dupont Circle(Photo by Randy Shulman/Metro Weekly) Last year, Capital Pride celebrated a milestone birthday, turning 30. Now it's the parade's...
The Capital Pride Festival Site, located along Pennsylvania Avenue between 3rd and 7th streets NW, will be open on Sunday, June 11, from 11:30 a.m....
Heavenly Round-Up: This year's Pride comes with its own, spectacular finale, with drama, fireworks and door-prizes for one and all. Make up your mind to...
An African-American newspaper in Baltimore still won't run a controversial ad depicting anti-gay religious protestors, but the paper's representatives say the concern is about the...