Metro Weekly

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  • Home Work

    April was a banner month for Latin@s en Accion -- literally. The local group, championing the metro area's GLBT Latino community, joined the National March...

  • Substitute Teachers

    Remember that little brat in grade school who always had to have her way? Bullying, blackmail, even bruises wouldn't stop her from hogging all the...

  • Heavy Pet

    After mainstream success 20 years ago, the Pet Shop Boys remain one of Europe's most successful pop duos. On this side of the Atlantic, Neil...

  • Silver Celebration

    THROUGHOUT HUMAN HISTORY, music has been used to make statements that go far beyond stringing notes together for the sake of a pleasing tune. Patriotic...

  • Soundwaves

    AND THIS YEAR'S SUMMER ANTHEM IS... Now that the season has officially begun, it's time to consider contenders for Song of Summer 2006. At this...

  • Bad Omen

    When I was a moviegoing teenager, two movies scared the devil out of me: The Exorcist and The Omen -- the first for its unrelenting,...

  • Worth Fighting For

    As the Capital Pride parade turns the corner of R Street and 17th, my friends and I stand on our chairs on the patio of...

  • Stein Dems Back Cropp

    City Council chairman and D.C. mayoral hopeful Linda Cropp got two boosts from the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, a GLBT group, Monday night, June 12....

  • Truth or Consequences

    Within the gay community, years of so-called ''ex-gays'' falling off the wagon, assessments by the American Psychiatric Association, and plain commonsense have relegated the whole...

  • Suspension on Stead

    Contemporary economics means the death of a terrorist in the wilds of Iraq may translate to a dip in gas prices around the world. Or...

  • Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies (GLIFAA )

    Members of GLIFAA (Photo by Todd Franson) MISSION: Founded in 1992, GLIFAA works for full parity for GLBT personnel and their families in U.S. foreign...

  • Groovy Kinda Love

    Summer is here in a glowing orange crush of sun, surf, and... Shakespeare? That's right, Michael Kahn blends the Beatles with the Bard in a...

  • Surface Story

    Sex sells. And when it comes to memoirs, so do drugs, prostitution and pornography. When those words – along with a large, naked photo of...

  • Pride 2006

    View more Capital Pride Festival photos As the stormy weather dissipated at dusk on Friday, June 9, it left at least one rainbow over D.C....

  • Soundwaves

    Aviance AVIANCE ATTACK... It's that time of year when you just may be at your gay-proudest. Maybe you're so confident and comfortable you're even starting...

  • One Step at a Time

    The 2005 Parade curves around Dupont Circle(Photo by Randy Shulman/Metro Weekly) Last year, Capital Pride celebrated a milestone birthday, turning 30. Now it's the parade's...

  • Festival Booths and Vendors

    The Capital Pride Festival Site, located along Pennsylvania Avenue between 3rd and 7th streets NW, will be open on Sunday, June 11, from 11:30 a.m....

  • Pride Scopes

    Heavenly Round-Up: This year's Pride comes with its own, spectacular finale, with drama, fireworks and door-prizes for one and all. Make up your mind to...

  • An Advertising Impasse

    An African-American newspaper in Baltimore still won't run a controversial ad depicting anti-gay religious protestors, but the paper's representatives say the concern is about the...