Metro Weekly

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  • Lost in Translation

    Reading one of the area's Spanish-language newspapers can offer a sort of cultural departure from mainstream America. Readers will likely find more soccer coverage in...

  • Nightmare Pursuit

    Remember when you were growing up and trying to fall asleep at night as weird and wispy shadows crept across your bedroom walls? With one...

  • Setting the Food Mood

    Recently, Douglas Jordan, or ''D.J.,'' as most know him, has been making some changes at FoodBarDC. ''If you haven't been to FoodBar lately, you haven't...

  • Cracked

    Summer of 2003 changed everything for Lucas Zarwell. The forensic scientist was satisfying his creative side, assembling a one-time variety show with Cherry Red's avant-garde...

  • Vocabulary Lessons

    Something about the basement classrooms of my middle school building gives me the creeps; I am not comfortable in any of them, except maybe Spanish...

  • Household Hell

    There are generally a few more ''firsts'' for a gay man than for his hetero counterpart. The straight boy can lose his virginity in --...

  • Open Secret

    I knew two things about my 17-year-old self when I decided to attend a conservative, private Southern college where the students had a well-known antipathy...

  • Gay Grant Giver

    Brother Help Thyself (BHT) both honored and supported the community minded during its annual grant reception on Saturday, Jan. 28. About 85 people attended the...

  • Closing-Time Cops

    Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Commander Larry McCoy and openly gay D.C. City Councilmember Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), on Wednesday, Jan. 26, announced a plan to...

  • Bolton's Strange Bedfellows

    While global frictions between Western powers and Iran stemming from Iran's nuclear ambitions are grabbing headlines daily, behind the scenes Iran has found common ground...

  • London Calling

    To a natural-born cynic like myself, the pre-release hype for Woody Allen's latest -- Match Point -- was almost too much to bear. Virtually every...

  • The Weinstein Touch

    Advertisement Transamerica The Weinstein Company is off to a solid start. Founded by brothers Harvey and Bob, who were recently ousted from their posts-on-high at...

  • Fighting the Holy War

    Given the poll-driven pieties of so many politicians, it is hard to imagine a public figure quoting Christ's admonition in Matthew Chapter 6 against making...

  • Alt-Rock Idol

    Canadian Jason Collett is being touted as one of the best singer-songwriters currently recording. And one listen to his sophomore U.S. album, Idols of Exile,...

  • Strangely Attractive

    Thou shalt not drive a Saab for its looks. If you're not among the faithful who are instantly smitten with Saab's singular design approach, that...

  • Sweet Satisfaction

    There is a joy that comes with discovering a piece of theater so brilliant and so gratifying that you leave your seat intoxicated. That's a...

  • Soundwaves

    DANCING WITH THE OLYMPICS... This weekend is Super Bowl Sunday, but with the Rolling Stones strutting around instead of Janet Jackson showing off, a dance-pop...

  • Artful Experience

    Quick, think of a gym. Here are some of the things you likely just pictured in your mind: racks of weights, sweaty bodies, spinning classes,...

  • That Time of Year Again

    Dear friends, family, assorted acquaintances: Happy holidays! Wow, can you believe 2005 is almost over? It seems like Christmas 2004 just ended and here we...

  • Badly Aimed Boycott

    In a Jan. 9 email to members of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission's International Advisory Committee, IGLHRC Executive Director Paula Ettelbrick and...