There are generally a few more ''firsts'' for a gay man than for his hetero counterpart. The straight boy can lose his virginity in --...
I knew two things about my 17-year-old self when I decided to attend a conservative, private Southern college where the students had a well-known antipathy...
Brother Help Thyself (BHT) both honored and supported the community minded during its annual grant reception on Saturday, Jan. 28. About 85 people attended the...
Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Commander Larry McCoy and openly gay D.C. City Councilmember Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), on Wednesday, Jan. 26, announced a plan to...
While global frictions between Western powers and Iran stemming from Iran's nuclear ambitions are grabbing headlines daily, behind the scenes Iran has found common ground...
To a natural-born cynic like myself, the pre-release hype for Woody Allen's latest -- Match Point -- was almost too much to bear. Virtually every...
Advertisement Transamerica The Weinstein Company is off to a solid start. Founded by brothers Harvey and Bob, who were recently ousted from their posts-on-high at...
Given the poll-driven pieties of so many politicians, it is hard to imagine a public figure quoting Christ's admonition in Matthew Chapter 6 against making...
Canadian Jason Collett is being touted as one of the best singer-songwriters currently recording. And one listen to his sophomore U.S. album, Idols of Exile,...
Thou shalt not drive a Saab for its looks. If you're not among the faithful who are instantly smitten with Saab's singular design approach, that...
There is a joy that comes with discovering a piece of theater so brilliant and so gratifying that you leave your seat intoxicated. That's a...
DANCING WITH THE OLYMPICS... This weekend is Super Bowl Sunday, but with the Rolling Stones strutting around instead of Janet Jackson showing off, a dance-pop...
Quick, think of a gym. Here are some of the things you likely just pictured in your mind: racks of weights, sweaty bodies, spinning classes,...
Dear friends, family, assorted acquaintances: Happy holidays! Wow, can you believe 2005 is almost over? It seems like Christmas 2004 just ended and here we...
In a Jan. 9 email to members of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission's International Advisory Committee, IGLHRC Executive Director Paula Ettelbrick and...
Matt Conner cannot read music. But that hasn't stopped him from playing the piano for nearly three decades. He particularly likes to play in the...
Fred Rogers would be proud. The whimsy and wonder channeled through his King Friday and haggy Lady Elaine of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood comes teeming to...
ERASURE GOES COUNTRY... Erasure lead singer Andy Bell released his debut solo album Electric Blue last summer, and the first single is just now near...
In Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World, comedian Albert Brooks is approached by the U.S. government to find out what makes Muslims laugh. He...
It's been 10 years since singer-songwriter Duncan Sheik struck it big with ''Barely Breathing,'' the inescapable radio staple from his self-titled debut, and his only...