Metro Weekly

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  • Distinct Measure

    I hesitate to use the word ''distinctive'' when describing the design of a car. It's a little like a real estate agent telling you a...

  • William Waybourn Leaves Window

    Read this full article at the Gay City News website After roughly 10 years at the helm of Window Media, the gay newspaper chain, William...

  • Oppose Alito?

    The analysis of Supreme Court confirmation hearings has become the post-Cold War equivalent of Kremlinology, the study of Soviet behavior relying on exquisitely subtle clues...

  • Slice of Strife

    There is no shortage of crime stories -- Wanda Alston, Marion Barry, David Rosenbaum -- in the nation's capital. But for every high-profile incident, there...

  • Poe Goes Pop

    It's fitting that the first three letters in ''poetry'' belong to Edgar Allan Poe. The infamous writer of all things dark and dreary is resurrected...

  • Minimal Effort

    Last year's Six Feet Under swan song was poignant and unforgettable not just for what you saw but for what you heard: ''Breathe Me,'' Sia...

  • Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend 2006

    For the second year in a row, Rehoboth's Double L Bar has launched a leather legend, as judges selected Scott Harris to serve as Mr....

  • Better Late Than Never

    Just like with a boyfriend, it's fair to say you don't truly know a car until you've spent time with it on vacation. If, after...

  • Weight Watchers

    What is it with Neil LaBute and lousy, knucklehead guys? First came Adam in The Shape of Things, a mousy, apathetic college kid who couldn't...

  • Swagger and Sass

    ''Morningwood to the Nth Degree!'' goes the anthemic cry to the third track on the self-titled debut album from Morningwood. Yes, there is actually now...

  • Torture Garden

    I'll admit to feeling a certain dread walking into Hostel last weekend. After all, as much as I love the horror film genre, I fall...

  • Strategic Planning

    After a year spent on a financial precipice, the Whitman-Walker Clinic now says its situation is stabilizing and that it has already begun taking steps...

  • Big Blowoff

    Forget small. Forget intimacy. Forget cramped. Blowoff is about to get bigger. A lot bigger. The popular monthly party, created three years ago by indie...

  • Leather Scribe

    In October, 1971, Marcus Hernandez put pen to paper and began covering the San Francisco leather community. At age 74, he's still writing. Penned under...

  • Reigning Leather

    It's a question he hears all the time: ''Is that your real name?'' Yes, in fact, Steve Ranger is his God-given name. ''I'm just grateful...

  • Eleven Flavors of Local Leather

    Centaur Motorcycle Club D.C. Bear Club Defenders Levi/Leather Club (LLC), Washington, D.C.

  • Bashing the Ban

    UPDATED JAN. 5 -- The City Council on Jan. 4 voted 11 to 1 in favor of a bill to ban smoking in all enclosed...

  • The Pink Past

    For most, January is an obvious time to stop and reflect on the passage of time as we say good-bye to one year and welcome...

  • High (and Low) Notes

    Maybe it's our bias, but we think 2005 will be remembered for its riches of dance-pop treasures and electronica-tweaked rock songs -- not mutually exclusive...

  • Cinema Magic

    In the world of movies, 2005 will be a year remembered for the birth of Darth Vader and the death of King Kong (third time's...