Metro Weekly

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  • Crystal Campaign Hits Bars

    The Center, D.C.'s GLBT community center, is furthering its campaign against crystal methamphetamine abuse within the local gay community by taking the fight to nightlife...

  • Vacancy Filled

    In September 2004, when D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams announced the creation of the Mayor's Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs, he said, ''I'm...

  • Preview of 'Brokeback Mountain'

    It was a gay night at the movies as the Human Rights Campaign and guests descended upon the Loews Cineplex in Georgetown for an advance...

  • Soundwaves

    GET INTO THE GROOVE... She's back! Well, Madonna was never really missing in gay clubland of course -- no other contemporary singer has even half...

  • Error in Judgment

    You might not recognize it at first, but hidden beneath the painted puffy clouds that peek through a tall pink llama, behind Groucho Marx mugging...

  • Dance Upstarts

    As you might guess by the name, Jason Walker is not a big black woman. He, in fact, is not a she, of any size...

  • Calendar Boys

    The weather may be turning cold, but one organization is bringing some heat to the season. Just in time for the new year, Brother, Help...

  • Magic Show

    ''I love magic,'' beams Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) at the start of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. By the movie's end, however, Harry...

  • Eagle Honors

    Mr. D.C. Eagle 2005, Scott Jones, came to the end of his title run Saturday, Nov. 19. That evening, judges selected Bennett Long to succeed...

  • Applauding Allen

    It may have been six months in the making, but the Greater Washington, D.C., STD Community Coalition finally got the chance to honor D.C. Allen...

  • Broadway Rhapsody

    Thanks in no small part to the success of 2002's Chicago, the movie musical genre is back in business. Case in point: The Tony Award-winning...

  • Squatter's Squalor

    Christmas Angel: Heredia (center), with Rapp and Pascal One hundred thirty five minutes of my life wasted. One...

  • Full House

    It isn't so much Eartha Kitt's sultry version of ''Lazy Afternoon'' that should have inspired S.M. Shephard-Massat to pen Starving, but the aching lyrics of...

  • Zee and Be Seen

    Rob Vander Zee creates images that may elicit a number of different responses. He offers landscapes sensual and serene. Pensive portraits may leave a viewer...

  • Julie Scofield

    Among the quotes one could only hear in Washington, add the following: ''I have a great passion for the role of state government.'' It's a...

  • Adam Tenner

    Headquartered in a basement along Pennsylvania Avenue SE, nearly spitting distance from the Capitol, the drop-in center and offices of Metro TeenAIDS (MTA) are very...

  • Paul Kawata

    When Paul Kawata agreed to serve as executive director of the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) in 1989, the organization had a staff of four...

  • Examining the Epidemic

    With the success of treatments for HIV/AIDS over the past few years, with the near-disappearance of AIDS related causes from gay obituaries, with the continued...

  • Soundwaves

    Goldfrapp GOLDFRAPP RELEASES EP... Madonna name-checked them in a recent Billboard interview, and that can only help U.K. electronica duo Goldfrapp gain more attention in...

  • Open House

    I'd rather hang out at anyone's apartment than a bar. There's a bar called Tribe on the corner of our block that's filled with the...