Metro Weekly

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  • Opera Queen

    ''I fell in love with opera when I was 13, when I first heard the voice of Maria Callas,'' says John Pascoe. ''I heard her...

  • Blood Simple

    Alfred de Musset lives. Though the French romantic never saw his epic Lorenzaccio presented upon the stage during his lifetime, European audiences are familiar with...

  • Hard Lessons

    In Good Company is an agreeable comedy that might have been overlooked altogether if not for Topher Grace's pitch-perfect performance as a 26-year-old corporate upstart...

  • Hearsay

    Eavesdropping around at MAL Weekend... A very heated amateur night... Subairi holds a tsunami fundraiser... It all started a few Fridays back, at the Mid-Atlantic...

  • Soundwaves

    2004'S TOP DANCE ACT.... Billboard's bestselling album in 2004 from a dance/electronic artist was not brought to us by a lesbian sex act. Despite half...

  • Homegrown History

    The Harlem Renaissance is one of the most culturally romantic periods of American history. In a sense, it was the spark that ignited a fire...

  • Military Backup

    For the past year, the Arlington, Va.-based Military Community Services Network has been trying to fill a niche. Today's military may have a commitment to...

  • Dire Straights

    Let's get one thing straight: a lot of men are not. But those who fervently claim they are, would never -- I repeat, never pretend...

  • Fantasy Island

    My mother's main goal in life is to be warmer. At any given moment, she's devoting a significant portion of mental resources to figuring out...

  • Securing Security

    As a general rule, I tend to avoid political arguments. To me, political beliefs are similar to religious beliefs, both are based largely on faith,...

  • Sucker Punch

    If you're planning to produce a bleak, dispiriting tale of bitter realities in post-Soviet Russia that bears the title Black Milk, perhaps you ought to...

  • Second Chances

    ''Will I ever be normal?'' The question is put to a psychologist by Walter, a 45-year-old man recently released from a dozen years spent in...

  • Environs

    Make an artistic statement with a four-story Adams Morgan townhouse, where two decades of projects and renovations have created both a home and a showcase...

  • Appreciation

    Last Thursday morning, January 6, at 5:15 a.m., one of the GLBT community's biggest hearts gave out. The passing of Billy Collison at the age...

  • The Exhibitionists

    For some, MAL is about the legendary Leather Cocktails, the event from which the weekend born. Then there are those who look forward to the...

  • Judgment Day

    ''I think it's about who he is on the inside and whether or not he has the ability to speak from his heart, whether that...

  • Taylor-made Title

    One cold and drizzly afternoon, roughly a year ago, hundreds of leather aficionados gathered inside Almas Temple downtown for more than three hours of pageantry...

  • MAL 2005

    The Centaur Motorcycle Club's Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend has grown over the years into the nation's largest club-sponsored leather event. The original seed of the weekend,...

  • Busted!

    Among the more scintillating New Year's resolutions I heard this year was one friend's declaration that 2005 is the year of cleavage. While I don't...

  • Barriers to Health

    Ironically, a few weeks after Melissa Etheridge's breast cancer diagnosis helped put ''a lesbian face'' on cancer, the same-sex marriage backlash as witnessed in the...