Syphilis infection rates are apparently on the rise in the U.S. On Nov. 8, the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the...
EURYTHMICS REIGN AGAIN... Annie Lennox is back, and in a way that's so much more than just a sweet dream, though it's that too. So,...
She's the delicious demon of a character everyone loves to hate, most especially gay men. Think Tori Spelling as Sally Bowles, Norma Desmond as Holly...
Could Madonna's latest studio album, Confessions on a Dance Floor, be her swansong to music-making? It's hard to imagine, and she also hasn't said as...
The problem with Walk the Line, the new biopic opening on Friday about the life of country music legend Johnny Cash, isn't Joaquin Phoenix --...
A TALL ORDER in Columbia Heights in this 2BR condo with a two-story living room and floor to ceiling windows that show off the cityscape....
The Mayflower Hotel ballroom can be an intimidating place for public speaking, with its florid walls, formal architecture and, of course, a full-size buzzing crowd...
The holidays may come earlier every year in stores across the land, but it never truly feels like the season has begun until we're sitting...
Hipster to oldster, gay to straight, funky to formal, Adams Morgan remains one of D.C.'s most eclectic and popular destinations for a wildly diverse range...
Metropolitan D.C. has no shortage of movers and shakers. From the halls of power to high-tech corridors, many Washingtonians are pulling long hours. So who...
The Andean spine of South America is creeping its way northward into Adams Morgan. Under the flag of ''Toro Mata,'' this Peruvian outpost offers unique...
Cyndi Lauper scored her first hit with ''Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,'' but only the faithful would have predicted then that she would still be...
The expectations are as high as a towering Manhattan skyscraper. After such successful local productions of Take Me Out and The Dazzle, the area premiere...
I've never been a big fan of war movies. (For that matter, I've never been a big fan of war.) But as a genre, they...
You can't blame Alex Sanchez for having mixed feelings as he promotes the final novel in his gay teen trilogy, Rainbow Road. His books have...
Taka Ariga and Jeremy Ames decided to take the homeowner plunge after dating for about a year. They quickly found the perfect spot on the...
Music aficionado or not, chances are most GLBT Washingtonians have had a least a brush with the D.C. Different Drummers during the band's 25 years....
The self-referential, Charlie Kaufman-esque twist to The Dying Gaul, opening Friday at Landmark's E Street Cinema, is the somewhat astounding fact that the movie was...
You know the songs. You've heard the story. But nothing will prepare you for the astounding power of this full operatic production of Gershwin's modern...
A memoir, by its very definition, is self-serving. Writing ''your'' story can serve as therapy, disclosure, dutiful revelation, apology, even revenge. To some extent, Tab...