Metro Weekly

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  • Courting the Community

    The first in an occasional series of interviews and stories on the 2006 D.C. mayoral and Council races. You may be tempted to think that...

  • A La Mode

    Damn, damn, damn! Is there anything worse than being let down again, done in by too much hype? Depeche Mode lead singer Dave Gahan, after...

  • Eminent Eviction

    The District government exercised its eminent domain powers Oct. 25, filing a legal claim to properties in the area of the proposed Southeast baseball stadium...

  • Frightful Fun

  • Federal Triangles Soccer Club

    Federal Triangles members at the 20005 Capital Pride festival (Photo by Todd Franson) MISSION: Founded in 1990, The FTSC promotes the growth of soccer and...

  • Sense in Advertising

    If we do better than expected when Texans vote on an anti-gay marriage amendment on Nov. 8, much credit should go to the National Gay...

  • Time Travel

    Dolly Parton is a consummate marketer of contemporary music, and one of its most cutting-edge. She combined country-pop a decade before country-pop was cool, and...

  • The Cute One

    It has been years since I've answered an ad in the Women Seeking Women section of anything. It's been years since I've needed to; my...

  • Dawson's Discount

    The phrase ''Charity begins at home'' is open to some interpretation. Local musician Sharon Dawson is living one possible interpretation, with her newly-released discount card...

  • The Odd Coupling

    We're auspicious allies -- indomitable Americans and Brits. We boast the same language, a shared history, and even gaze through the same looking glass at...

  • Soundwaves

    Abel HALLELUJAH FOR ALEGRIA... The dance compilation you've waited all year to buy is finally available, DJ Abel Aguilera's two-disc Alegria Musica. If this set's...

  • The Mame Event

    Enter the world of Carl. Born in 1940 to Guido and Mildred Rizzi, and raised in the conservative New England town of Milford, N.H., Carl...

  • Country Courage

    Congratulate Charlize Theron. She's got the Hollywood game figured out. And she's playing it like a pro, mixing the glamorous roles with the serious. You...

  • Sondheim Time

    The Gay Men's Chorus of Washington is meeting history head-on with a journey through nearly 50 years of Broadway composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim's work....

  • Bob Siegel Responds to D.C. Land Grab

    The District government exercised its eminent domain powers Oct. 25, filing a legal claim to properties in the area of the proposed Southeast baseball stadium...

  • The Lady in Question is Charles Busch

    Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Will O'Bryan Rating: (5 out of 5) Saturday, 10/22/2005, 12:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre DESPITE CONVENTIONAL WI

  • 50 Ways of Saying Fabulous

    Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Dan Odenwald Rating: (3 out of 5) Saturday, 10/22/2005, 2:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre A HEARTFELT MEDITATION on the injury...

  • 15 Minutes for 15 Years

    Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/22/2005, 4:00 PM Shorts presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre WHEN THE ONLY theme shared by...

  • The D Word

    Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Nancy Legato Rating: (4 out of 5) Saturday, 10/22/2005, 6:00 PM Shorts presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre IF YOU CAN'T get enough of...

  • Loggerheads

    Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (5 out of 5) Saturday, 10/22/2005, 8:00 PM Feature presentation, $15 at Lincoln Theatre IT ALL ENDS here,...