Washington, D.C., is no stranger to mass gatherings of people seeking rights, justice, or just a chance to be heard. Saturday, Oct. 15, was one...
It's not every day I ask for help from readers -- but if any of you happened to catch the remake of The Fog last...
Taking the stage as the same character for 15 years can take a toll on a performer. Familiarity breeds contempt, as they say, even if...
Dan Savage, purveyor of advice to America's sexually kinked and erotically troubled, is justly famous for his no-holds-barred approach to sex. He's also a frequent...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Kristina Campbell Rating: (4 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/18/2005, 6:00 PM Shorts presentation, $0 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC THERE ARE...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Un Amour A' Taire Review by Will Doig Rating: (5 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/18/2005, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Lincoln Theatre French...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Nancy Legato Rating: (2 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/18/2005, 7:00 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC French with...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Will Doig Rating: (2 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/18/2005, 7:15 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Landmark's E Street Cinema AS THE REEL Affirmations...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (4 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/18/2005, 9:00 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Lincoln Theatre Cantonese with English subtitles WHEN ONE OF...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (5 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/18/2005, 9:15 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Landmark's E Street Cinema I KNOW...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Kristina Campbell Rating: (3 out of 5) Tuesday, 10/18/2005, 9:30 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC Spanish with...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Randy Shulman Rating: (2 out of 5) Monday, 10/17/2005, 6:00 PM Shorts presentation, $0 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC THANK GOODNESS...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (4 out of 5) Monday, 10/17/2005, 7:00 PM Shorts presentation, $6 at Lincoln Theatre French with English subtitles SOMETIMES IT'S IMP
Reel Affirmations 2005 Sancharram Review by Kristina Campbell Rating: (4 out of 5) Monday, 10/17/2005, 7:15 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC Malayal
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Will O'Bryan Rating: (4 out of 5) Monday, 10/17/2005, 9:15 PM Feature presentation, $6 at Lincoln Theatre OOH-LA-LA. Hide the liquor. In the...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Kristina Campbell Rating: (4 out of 5) Monday, 10/17/2005, 9:15 PM Shorts presentation, $6 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC THIS COLLECTION...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (3 out of 5) Sunday, 10/16/2005, 12:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC IN THE...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Nancy Legato Rating: (5 out of 5) Sunday, 10/16/2005, 1:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre EVERY SO OFTEN a...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Dan Odenwald Rating: (2 out of 5) Sunday, 10/16/2005, 2:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Cecile Goldman Theater at the DCJCC PART FREAKY...
Reel Affirmations 2005 Review by Sean Bugg Rating: (4 out of 5) Sunday, 10/16/2005, 5:00 PM Feature presentation, $9 at Lincoln Theatre Japanese and Tagalog with English subtitles TO...