With the flowers blooming and the calendar filling, it's clear that GLBT pride season is upon us. From April's Youth Pride celebration to Memorial Day...
How do you calculate the tenor X-factor? Let's take Salvatore Licitra. We saw him already this season in the title role of Andrea Chenier, where...
No two pop bands sound exactly the same of course, but all pop music is derivative. So every new or unknown band must face the...
Gauthreaux GAUTHREAUX'S AMBITION... Joe Gauthreaux intends his new compilation Party Groove: Cherry Volume 2 to stand the test of time. “Five or 10 years from...
The first few weeks at a new job are always busy, and that's proving particularly so for Joe Solmonese as he settles in as the...
The only similarities that the new incarnation of House of Wax shares with its 1954 wellspring of inspiration that starred Vincent Price and was shot...
MISSION: Founded nearly 15 years ago, Not What You Think (NWYT), an ensemble affiliated with the Lesbian & Gay Chorus of Washington, operates as a...
SUPERSTARS, NEW AND (ESPECIALLY) OLD…Who would have ever expected Kelly Clarkson as a dance-pop sensation? It could be just a temporary high, a one-hit dance...
I spent a recent few days at my brother's house in Iowa, about half a block away from the elementary school I attended for most...
Ellen Kahn set a storybook tone last Saturday morning as gay parents -- and prospective parents -- and their kids gathered at Sligo Middle School...
There's a general rule of thumb when determining the level of commitment to an activist cause or outing: If one is willing to come out...
For those in tune with the Washington calendar of fundraisers and galas, it may seem that fall is arriving rather early this year. Fortunately, there's...
Just so we're clear, The Colorado Catechism is not a comedy. Yes, there are moments of humor, and yes, there are a few witty exchanges...
Skott Freedman's new self-released album, Judge A Book, is a collection of his covers of other people's songs. But the bisexual indie rocker's cover of...
Nine years ago, the circuit came to Washington with a Cherry Jubilee. Compared to more recent offerings, it was a modest start. The weekend was...
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The GLLU presentation will be Webcast Wednesday, May 11, between 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m., at www.ashinstitute.harvard.edu/Ash/) Unless a person has had direct...
DIGITAL MUSIC POPS… Pop artists are having a particularly good year. Green Day, for starters, is at the high point of its career, the band...
So you think you know Electra? You may recall Sophocles' intricate version of the Greek tragedy, the bloodbath where Electra, born to King Agamemnon and...
I went into Kung Fu Hustle with a massive headache, one of those throb jobs that nearly debilitates you. I left, 95 minutes later, with...
These are the times that try an SUV-lover's soul. With the price of regular pushing ever-upwards to $2.50 a gallon, every trip to the gas...