Metro Weekly

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  • Bhangra, 'Boxer' and Brunch

    With the flowers blooming and the calendar filling, it's clear that GLBT pride season is upon us. From April's Youth Pride celebration to Memorial Day...

  • Tosca Tops the Charts

    How do you calculate the tenor X-factor? Let's take Salvatore Licitra. We saw him already this season in the title role of Andrea Chenier, where...

  • Sound-a-likes

    No two pop bands sound exactly the same of course, but all pop music is derivative. So every new or unknown band must face the...

  • Soundwaves

    Gauthreaux GAUTHREAUX'S AMBITION... Joe Gauthreaux intends his new compilation Party Groove: Cherry Volume 2 to stand the test of time. “Five or 10 years from...

  • Finding Common Ground

    The first few weeks at a new job are always busy, and that's proving particularly so for Joe Solmonese as he settles in as the...

  • Wax Works

    The only similarities that the new incarnation of House of Wax shares with its 1954 wellspring of inspiration that starred Vincent Price and was shot...

  • Not What You Think

    MISSION: Founded nearly 15 years ago, Not What You Think (NWYT), an ensemble affiliated with the Lesbian & Gay Chorus of Washington, operates as a...

  • Soundwaves

    SUPERSTARS, NEW AND (ESPECIALLY) OLD…Who would have ever expected Kelly Clarkson as a dance-pop sensation? It could be just a temporary high, a one-hit dance...

  • Emotional Fescue

    I spent a recent few days at my brother's house in Iowa, about half a block away from the elementary school I attended for most...

  • Parenting in the Pink

    Ellen Kahn set a storybook tone last Saturday morning as gay parents -- and prospective parents -- and their kids gathered at Sligo Middle School...

  • Places at the Tables

    There's a general rule of thumb when determining the level of commitment to an activist cause or outing: If one is willing to come out...

  • Dinner on Deck

    For those in tune with the Washington calendar of fundraisers and galas, it may seem that fall is arriving rather early this year. Fortunately, there's...

  • Sobering Material

    Just so we're clear, The Colorado Catechism is not a comedy. Yes, there are moments of humor, and yes, there are a few witty exchanges...

  • Piano Power

    Skott Freedman's new self-released album, Judge A Book, is a collection of his covers of other people's songs. But the bisexual indie rocker's cover of...

  • Reliving The First Time

    Nine years ago, the circuit came to Washington with a Cherry Jubilee. Compared to more recent offerings, it was a modest start. The weekend was...

  • Good Government

    (EDITOR'S NOTE: The GLLU presentation will be Webcast Wednesday, May 11, between 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m., at Unless a person has had direct...

  • Soundwaves

    DIGITAL MUSIC POPS… Pop artists are having a particularly good year. Green Day, for starters, is at the high point of its career, the band...

  • Blood Relations

    So you think you know Electra? You may recall Sophocles' intricate version of the Greek tragedy, the bloodbath where Electra, born to King Agamemnon and...

  • Martial Artistry

    I went into Kung Fu Hustle with a massive headache, one of those throb jobs that nearly debilitates you. I left, 95 minutes later, with...

  • The Middle Child

    These are the times that try an SUV-lover's soul. With the price of regular pushing ever-upwards to $2.50 a gallon, every trip to the gas...