Metro Weekly

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  • Cosmic Connections

    If you listen to just one randomly chosen song by the Thievery Corporation, you might think the musical duo is from, among other places, Jamaica,...

  • Suede's Sway

    Her rich contralto hooks the audience the moment she hits her first note. But it is Suede's playful, charismatic stage presence that keeps them engaged...

  • Soundwaves

    AWARDS! AWARDS! AWARDS!... Despite what you might otherwise think, awards season is still upon us. Later this month the leading dance music awards will be...

  • Innocent Ads?

    In modern politics, words and phrases that were once innocuous now seem packed with explosives. Red, blue, family, adoption, conservative, religious, faith, partner -- they've...

  • Home Sweet Home

    At first glance, it's simply another downtown office space: Corridors and cubicles and file cabinets delineating where work takes place. But then you notice some...

  • Soundwaves

    LYDIA'S FRESH CIRCUIT SOUND... Lydia Prim makes a good point in the liner notes to her latest circuit party compilation, Party Groove: Blue Ball Vol....

  • Hipster Hits

    One's first instinct is to dismiss James Murphy, who comes off as the world's snottiest and most insecure indie-music geek on ''Losing My Edge. ''...

  • Hell Boy

    Innocuous entertainment. That's how, if pressed, I would describe Constantine, another comic book-to-screen adaptation that is, at the very least, visually interesting for its two-hour...

  • Raising the Roof

    Contrary to the implication of its title, MetroStage's The All Night Strut! doesn't last all night long -- though at several of its most sparkling...

  • Maya Keyes

    Alan Keyes -- former ambassador, former presidential candidate, former Senate candidate, and Christian-right political pundit -- has made a name for himself as one of...

  • American Veterans for Equal Rights, National Capital Chapter

    Members of the AVER National Capital Chapter ORGANIZATIONAL MISSION: Founded in 2000, AVER National Capital Chapter is a veterans' organization dedicated to the fair and...

  • Condom-Free Porn

    I have this porno flick that was made in 1983. I'm not going to tell you the title. Let's just say it's 55 minutes of...

  • Masked Unmarvel

    You can't help but wonder: At approximately what point during the filming of Son of the Mask did the cast and crew halt what they...

  • Family Affair

    Quiet repose: Paulding in Member of the Wedding (Photo by T. Charles Erickson) Some plays age like a fine wine. Others modify shape and texture,...

  • Environs

    You too can be part of the U Street scene with this upper floor 1 BR + den, 1 BA apartment overlooking D.C.'s fastest growing...

  • Monthly Escape

    ''I had an amazing time, it was an amazing crowd, and an amazing club,'' says DJ Escape of his debut at Cobalt last month. He...

  • HIV and LGV in MSM

    With St. Valentine's Day, February is the month best associated with romantic love. Within the MSM (men who have sex with men) community, however, the...

  • Celebrities Shine for PFLAG

    The stars have come out in D.C. and New York, this time to lend their support to a new Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians...

  • Blonde Ambition

    One could almost say Mrs. Robinson is the original desperate housewife. But there's nothing desperate about the woman currently playing her on The Graduate's national...

  • Status Symbol

    The first time out of the gate wasn't that auspicious for the Toyota Prius, part of the vanguard of the gas-electric hybrid cars just edging...