Metro Weekly

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  • Irish Charms

    Amnesiacs, magpies, and crazy people -- one magpie for sorrow, two magpies for mirth.... How does that nursery rhyme go? Magpies are but one of...

  • Merce Cunningham: Dance Master

    ''I'm not interested in the idea of retiring. That doesn't attract me at all. '' Dance fans, you can breathe a sigh of relief. At...

  • Regal Stature

    One of the most significant moments in the Shakespearean canon comes at the end of King Henry IV, Part 2 when the newly-crowned Henry V...

  • Kissing to be Clever

    ''There aren't a lot of shows you can do with a group of one hundred twenty five men,'' says Jeff Buhrman, Artistic Director of the...

  • Plush Life

    Who would have thought that 1999 would ever seem so far away? But time passes, history is made, and this Saturday night Velvet Nation turns...

  • Hearsay

    Gay Washington gets its very own Halo… Bagels, shamrocks and pots o' gold… Unnatural blonde ambition… Recently Hearsay took a trip to Lovely Lena's Empire...

  • Environs

    CLASSIFIED: Look to the stars both inside and out in this 1 BR, 1 BA Arlington apartment with fabulous views, a plethora of tunes, and...

  • Potomac Executive Network (PEN)

    PEN members at arecent networking event Mission: PEN is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, all-volunteer network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or advocate professionals who work for...

  • Marriage Update

    You may have noticed a new Republican advertising campaign on gay marriage playing on your television screen. This time, however, it's a campaign to stop...

  • Tying the Knots

    As newspapers and televisions continue to show images of same-sex couples tying the knot, it's well worth remembering some important facts about gay and lesbian...

  • Hearsay

    Where in the world is Hildi Santo-Tomas?... A Pointer (and a cube) for VelvetNation... Mary and Titan turn three... Who is Miss Hildi Santo-Tomas? Hearsay...

  • Soundwaves

    DANCE MUSIC'S MOST POPULAR...Washington's own Deep Dish was voted most popular DJ last week at the biggest annual confab of danceheads this side of the...

  • Missionary Positions

    C. Jay Cox's Latter Days is a powerhouse that grabs your heart and wrenches and wrenches away. Who knew that Cox, author of Sweet Home...

  • Vacuum Vibes

    Electronic music usually makes you want to hit a dance floor. But give Arthur Loves Plastic a spin, and it may sway you to sweep....

  • Expected Pleasures

    You won't find many surprises in the Indigo Girls' latest outing, but with folk-pop this accomplished that's not a bad thing If it ain't broke,...

  • Queer Makeover

    In the everyday struggle between style and substance, the best-hoped-for outcome is a mutually reinforced middle ground. But reaching that middle ground is no easy...

  • True Colors

    Few words in the English language possess the inherent, unwieldy power to incite black Americans with such intense divisiveness and fervor as two simple, unassuming...

  • Buzz Worthy

    There's a buzz around town about Rice, the new Thai sensation that recently debuted on 14th Street. For the most part, the kudos are deserved,...

  • Environs

    Double your pleasure in Kensington, Md., with this 2 BR, 2 BA house that's now twice as big as it's original size. Occupies by a...

  • Dining Out for Life

    On March 11, 2004, restaurants from across Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia generously donated between 25% and 100% of their dinner bills to Food and...