American Idol fever seems to have hit its peak in Washington: Last season's finalists appear at the MCI Center this Sunday, Aug. 22. And Simon...
XTINA & MISSSY'S DISCO WASH… Three years after they made sweet marmalade together, Christina Aguilera and Missy Elliott are back. This time, they'll cover the...
History's always being made on Logan Circle in this 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA townhouse, where every floor tells the story of a different era....
Your ship has come in with this 4BR, 2BA townhouse just a stone's throw away from the D.C. Waterfront. Floor-to-ceiling windows, plenty of green spaces...
''It kicks your butt, touring solo,'' says SONiA as she settles into the start of a Saturday afternoon interview from a motel in Ohio, where...
I have this theory, and the theory is that people can be divided into two distinct groups: Those who are successful by the time they...
Question: What's so scary about watching two people float around in the ocean for an hour or so? Answer: Nothing. In theory, a pair of...
They just don't make good instinct like they used to. Most contemporary (read: young) actors trained in the modern theater demonstrate an annoyingly affected air...
Bebel Gilberto is not ''The Girl from Ipanema. '' Not quite: Gilberto was born nearly 40 years ago in New York and raised in Rio...
An incredibly tempting teatime at Apex.. A pool party with fun but without sun... Halo's smoke-free environs... Here's an interesting question oddly put: How many...
POP'S SWINGING POLITICS… As recently as April, it seemed that save for a couple hip-hop impresarios it would be the usual four-year counterculture rumbling: an...
As I roared along I-66, straight men honked and gave me the thumbs up. As I sat in an idle rumble at stoplights, they rolled...
Remember when you were a kid, or maybe even a college student, and you were short of money. Where could you always turn? That's right...
Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Community Association Mission: AGLCA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that strives to enhance the quality of life for the local GLBT...
Unclassifiable in Arlington! This 4 BR, 3 BA (plus 2 half baths), single family home has its unique niche among the condo canyons of Clarendon,...
THE CURE AND MODERN-DAY REMEDIES… The Cure may be the headliner -- the chief reason most people would consider going, and more to the point...
I don't mean to sound boastful, but I figured out The Village's big twist a few days before actually seeing the movie. While it was...
Jonathan Demme's choice of material has been a little bizarre as of late. His remake of the strangely winsome yet slightly edgy Audrey Hepburn-Cary Grant...
The Kings of Convenience's sophomore album, Riot on an Empty Street, begins with a telling and referential reference: ''I can't stop listening to the sound...
''I can die happy now!'' It's Sunday afternoon, the first day of August, and Michael Mayer is on the phone waxing enthusiastic about a moment...