Metro Weekly

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  • Boy Crazy

    At some point over the weekend -- maybe it was when I was holding Harrison upside-down by his ankles, or when I was showing Spencer...

  • Defanged

    When a movie carries a title like Mean Girls, one has every right to expect a satirical maliciousness to underscore its events. But apart from...

  • Dream Jobs

    The past couple of years have been pretty rough for most American workers. With the economy stuck in neutral, many companies shed staff at a...

  • Basic Instinct

    They aren't called ''blind '' dates for nothing. The multiple glimpses in every available mirror and window reflection, the clumsy, awkward exchanges, the uncomfortable silences...

  • Soundwaves

    FILL ME UP WITH GAS… Can music make you hungry? Some of it sure can give you gas. Haru, a New York-based Japanese restaurant chain,...

  • Maternal Gratitude

    ''My feeling personally has always been that when dealing with an the black community, they're not going to go for...

  • In the Bag

    Volunteers and staffers at last weekend's Gender PAC conference got a surprise as they were preparing for the weekend. Inside each of the plastic bags...

  • Hearsay

    A sassy, saucy Cherry 9 weekend... Three remain smoke free... The Crew Club gets wet... It was a girl's night out last Sunday at Cherry...

  • Delta Lambda Phi Social Fraternity: Alpha Chapter

    Delta Lambda Phi members at a recent fundraising sale Mission: Provide meaningful friendships and social interactions in an atmosphere of social, service and recreational events....

  • Future Shock

    America, meet your new cinema sweetheart: Jennifer Garner. With her lush, broad radiant smile, delicately chiseled features, and extremely magnetic personality, Garner seems poised to...

  • Tennessee Pride

    ''I'm getting to do plays about behavior and character, '' says director Michael Kahn of his work on Five by Tenn. ''Five different moods, five...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I am a 32-year-old gay male. I have rarely experienced an orgasm during sex. I can get an erection and generally maintain it...

  • A Perfect Tenn

    Michael Kahn and Tennessee Williams: what a pair. The two theatre magnates converge in holy matrimony in Five by Tenn, the Shakespeare Theatre production of...

  • ''Porcelain''

    It's hard to believe that Porcelain is Chay Yew's first play. The 1992 London Fringe Award winner for Best Production, Porcelain marks a brave, startling...

  • Natural Woman

    More about • Cherry 9

  • Hop, Skip and Jump

    More about • Cherry 9

  • Tony Moran Takes to the Booth

    More about • Cherry 9

  • Back to the Future

      151 PICTURES FROM CHERRY 9 WEEKEND 2004 Cherry 9 Women's Event Thunder Grill at Union Station Cherry 9 Saturday Night Event Nation

  • Environs

    Rob and Laura Petrie channel the Tiki nature of Gilligan's Island in this Van Ness 1 BR, 1 BA apartment with a view of the...

  • HIV Positive Drop-In Coffee House

    HIV Positive Drop-In CoffeeHouse Hosted by FriendsMeeting House of Washington Mission: Provide people living with HIV a comfortable and social place to interact. Founded: 1984...