1. LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING -- Peter Jackson's finale to the J.R.R. Tolkien classic was everything it needed to be: epic,...
No single was bigger -- or better -- in 2003 than Beyonce's ''Crazy in Love. '' But creating an appealing album is far more challenging...
POP QUIZ… In 2003, sunlight began to shine on the beleaguered music industry, the brightest light emitting from Apple's iTunes. The legal, pay-per-download music service...
Dear Lena, I am having trouble finding a gay male who is willing to date a female illusionist. I understand why guys are so quick...
So you're feeling a bit tired at the end of 2003. It's been a busy year, and with all the sodomy and marriage going...
Photography by Todd Franson Amenities are made to be used, so luxuriate in the Jacuzzi, admire the period renovations, and lounge at the grand piano...
Photo by Todd Franson The Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington in rehearsal. Mission: Every voice matters. Founded: 1984 Number of Members: 30 How To...
With Christmas just around the corner, everyone is looking forward to receiving presents from friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, most of us forget to accept...
In a low-income housing complex in Syracuse, a family that looks like George Bush's definition of family is struggling to make ends meet. This family...
It's fun to laugh at John Paulk, the former drag queen turned ex-gay poster boy who made the spectacularly bad decision to stop by Mr....
Velvet's White Party gets a thumbs up from Mother Nature though only the virginal seemed to be wearing white ... Mark Wolff takes a hold...
Dance Segregation… Does dance music, like the weather, change based on where you are? Does dance music in Miami Beach sound different than that in...
The less said by the characters in The York Realist, a sixties-set drama about an ultimately unrequited love between two young men, the better for...
There are ghosts in Mr. Timothy's London. Whereas in Charles Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol the three ghosts had obvious tasks, here they are both...
When Eric Himan was eight-years-old, his father -- an amateur guitar and bass player and longtime jazz aficionado -- handed his son a guitar and...
You've got to give her credit. Ellen DeGeneres just refuses to give up. Misfortune be damned, she's going to have a career in television. And...
Photography by Todd Franson Home is where the art is in this 1BR, 1BA Dupont apartment. Uncommonly clean, a simple presto! converts the living room...
Photography by Jeff Code Years from now when Matt Miller is writing his memoir, he'll probably conclude that his first brush with celebrity came in...
Photography by Jeff Code In a town filled with career-building job hoppers, it may seem an accomplishment to stay with one employer for five years....
Photography by Jeff Code Yasir Bashir wants to thank everyone who voted for him. Really. Being selected as a Coverboy of the Year finalist has...