Metro Weekly

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  • Battle Fatigue

    You've gotta hand it to Edward Zwick -- when creating an historical war epic, he's got the formula down pat: Make it bigger than life,...

  • Glad Tidings

    God bless David H. Bell. His 1987 adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol has become an annual tradition at Ford's Theatre, and with good...

  • Female Trouble

    Nelly Furtado's second album, Folklore, doesn't match the achievement of her first album, Whoa Nelly! The reason boils down to Furtado's abandonment of an appealing...

  • Asians and Friends Washington

    Photo by Michael Wichita Asians and Friends Washington members at a recent happy hour event. Asians and Friends Washington Mission: Asians and Friends Washington's (AFW)...

  • Soundwaves

    Advertisement Bitch and Animal GLAAD GRAMMYS… There are 105 categories in the just-announced 46th Annual Grammy Awards, and there's still not one specifically honoring Gay...

  • Environs

    Photography by Todd Franson This is where you want to live: An almost-new 3BR, 2 1/2 BA, 4-floor townhouse in the always convenient ‘burbs of...

  • Wise Holiday Spending

    The holiday season is a time of parties, decorations, gift giving -- and debt. Unfortunately, long after the snow has melted and the trees sprung...

  • Parental Guidance

    Photography by Todd Franson ''I certainly didn't take this job for any notions about limelight or attention on me. As a person, I'm more of...

  • The Kiss of Activism

    On Wednesday, November 5th, Stephanie Haaser kissed a girl. The twelve-second kiss occurred between Haaser and classmate Katherine Pecore during lunch period at River Hill...

  • Santa Claws

    Holiday movies are designed, by and large, to spread good cheer, to make us all warm and glowy inside, to make us feel charitable toward...

  • Ménage à Trois

    Once upon a time, in a land very, very near, Queen Molly Smith decided to dip her royal toes into the immense pool of American...

  • Soundwaves

    MP3 KILLED THE 12-INCH STAR… The Internet is a glimmer in the eye of the music industry. Well, it is now, after the industry has...

  • Soaring Angels

    The sheer scope and monumentality of HBO's Angels in America will surprise few. That the production triumphs and gives new legitimacy to television as a...

  • Yule Be Swell

    Photography by Todd Franson Whether they're from a farm in Virginia or the mountains of Colorado, an army of trees has begun its annual invasion...

  • Far From Over

    It's been a long time since the first World AIDS Day in 1988. In those earlier days of the epidemic, it was one of many...

  • Song of the Quilt

    Photographs by Todd Franson The Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington and D.C.'s Different Drummers on their first full rehearsal, Tuesday, November 18th, 2003. ''When...

  • Women's Work

    Among the many pleasures of last month's Reel Affirmations Film Festival was seeing myself on the big screen. I'm proud to have been just one...

  • Smart Charity

    The holiday season has arrived. For many of us, the holidays mean too much food, too much shopping and, at times, too much family. But...

  • Marriage Win in Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Supreme Court on Tuesday finessed the issue of gay marriage, deciding that same-sex couples have the right to wed but leaving it to...

  • Amazing Adventure

    It's been ages since I witnessed an audience applaud a movie. But the Sunday matinee crowd gathered at Master and Commander: The Far Side of...