If a woman rarely or never has sex with men, should she still get regular Pap smears? Absolutely, say experts in lesbian health. Yet a...
Photography by Todd Franson Much buzz accompanied the opening of David Greggory late last spring. It is, after all, the handsome and stylish collaboration of...
Oftentimes it's resilience more than consistency that distinguishes someone as a true diva. Riding the waves of changing music impulses has long dogged Aretha Franklin's...
Culkin and Green Party Monster, which opens this weekend at Visions, is an oddly captivating yet not entirely successful journey into the creatively eccentric, drug-infused...
Jack Black What happens when a mainstream movie is infused with an independent sensibility? School of Rock, that's what. The feel-good surprise of the year,...
Cassidy Karakorn and Coby George have made it their mission to revive Tracks. Like many devotees of the former nightclub, Karakorn and George, along with...
Dear Lena, I'm a 27-year-old bisexual male and I'm married to a female. My problem is that I'm a true bisexual -- I honestly enjoy...
Want history? Here's a 2BR, 2BA condo on Logan Circle built by the son of a president. After years of rumored ill-repute and general ramshackleness,...
''I intend to write an opera one day,'' says Rufus Wainwright. ''Especially after these horrifyingly personal albums. I think I might need to concentrate on...
When I was a little kid, I used to watch a show called Romper Room and hoped each day with all my might that Miss...
About the best thing that can be said for Cold Creek Manor is that it isn't completely dull. You'd think it would be, given how...
It is that end of summer time, that back to school time, that Congressional recess is over time, that time for something light to read....
When any half-pint pop singer can call herself a diva in song, something is woefully wrong. Becky Baeling sings -- no, shouts -- ''I'm a...
In the liner notes to Erykah Badu's ambitious if perplexing EP Underground Worldwide, she writes that several tunes were inspired by her ''Frustrated Artist Tour...
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I've come to expect too much from a Tom Stoppard play by way of cerebral titillation and a love affair...
You've got to at least admire Ken Ludwig for doggedly attempting to revitalize the classic farce genre. His early efforts, Lend Me A Tenor and...
Something had to come along. Something charming, funny, even addictive. We just never thought it would come from ABC. Sure enough, the network's new sitcom,...
Villaware's Uno Classic Since their introduction into the home in 1926, toasters have become a culinary icon spawning dozens of incarnations -- from the classic...
''Next to ‘Why do you always serve chicken?' and ‘Can I have a table as far away from my ex-lover as possible?‘ the most-asked Gala...
Photography by Michael Wichita Zipping around in bumper cars may be child's play compared to today's high-intensity roller coasters and gravitational thrill rides. But the...