Metro Weekly

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  • Environs

    Photos by Todd Franson From crack house to Townhouse -- This once run-down 2BR, 2 1/2 BA home in Shaw has found new life in...

  • Dulles Triangles

    Photo by Todd Franson   Mission: To provide gays and lesbians a social outlet outside of Washington, D.C. Founded: 1992 Number of Members: Over 200...

  • Putting It Together

    Photography by Todd Franson It's not easy finding the perfect job. Bob Witeck spent the first ten years of his professional life working on the...

  • 'Atta Girl!

    There was a girl in my neighborhood growing up who was as sporty as any boy on the block. She wore baseball caps every day,...

  • Making a Statement

    For most investors, the goal is simple: Make as much money as possible. How their companies make the money doesn't really matter, so long as...

  • Happiness

    I have only one complaint about You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown as staged by the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington, D.C., and here it...

  • Unforgivable

    Penn and Chapman When Clint Eastwood directs, his films tend to go either one way or the other. That is to say, either they're brilliant...

  • Soundwaves

    DANCE ON THE RADIO… “For dance music to flourish in America, acts need more radio play,” according to one of dance music's biggest movers, DJ...

  • Environs

    Photography by Todd Franson Idle hands are the gay man's plaything, and you'll find them all over this 3BR, 2BA three-story townhouse on Capitol Hill,...

  • Reichen's Reality

    It was a defining moment -- as well as an exhilarating one -- as America watched gay couple Reichen Lehmkuhl and Chip Arndt stagger up...

  • Bearing False Witness

    It's Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and loved ones have pampered me with gifts of sweet things (for a sweet year). The jumbo bag...

  • Push for Pap

    If a woman rarely or never has sex with men, should she still get regular Pap smears? Absolutely, say experts in lesbian health. Yet a...

  • Buzzworthy

    Photography by Todd Franson Much buzz accompanied the opening of David Greggory late last spring. It is, after all, the handsome and stylish collaboration of...

  • Mixed Blessings

    Oftentimes it's resilience more than consistency that distinguishes someone as a true diva. Riding the waves of changing music impulses has long dogged Aretha Franklin's...

  • Club Flub

    Culkin and Green Party Monster, which opens this weekend at Visions, is an oddly captivating yet not entirely successful journey into the creatively eccentric, drug-infused...

  • Rock Hard

    Jack Black What happens when a mainstream movie is infused with an independent sensibility? School of Rock, that's what. The feel-good surprise of the year,...

  • Electro Magnetism

    Cassidy Karakorn and Coby George have made it their mission to revive Tracks. Like many devotees of the former nightclub, Karakorn and George, along with...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I'm a 27-year-old bisexual male and I'm married to a female. My problem is that I'm a true bisexual -- I honestly enjoy...

  • Environs

    Want history? Here's a 2BR, 2BA condo on Logan Circle built by the son of a president. After years of rumored ill-repute and general ramshackleness,...

  • The Reluctant Hedonist

    ''I intend to write an opera one day,'' says Rufus Wainwright. ''Especially after these horrifyingly personal albums. I think I might need to concentrate on...