Metro Weekly

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  • Hope Springs Eternal

    I just returned from two glorious weeks working at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival. Nearly 4,000 festie-goers and workers enjoyed sunshine, the red glow of...

  • Comic Sutra

    In the sixties he was a mad scientist. In the eighties he was an evil businessman. Today he is the President of the United States....

  • Words Worth

    Plays, novels and other works of art about the comic tendency of language to be misunderstood, misused and misdirected are, as they say, a dime...

  • Dorm Strife

    Say you lock a gaggle of college freshmen in a dorm room, supply them with generous amounts of alcohol and tape the madness that ensues....

  • Screwballed

    James Barbour starred on Broadway opposite Toni Braxton in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. But let's not hold that against him. This man of great...

  • Soundwaves

    GUSGUS'S DANCE FLOOR RUSH-RUSH…  Most dance-music compilations simulate the music heard at peak hour on the dance floor. The rest tend to simulate radio. Mixed...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I've recently discovered that the clubs aren't where all the gay men are. We're more spread out than that. There are gay men...

  • Environs

    MORE STUFF THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE in a 3BR, 2 1/2BA townhouse plus atrium, all in two floors and a basement. Renovated and refined over...

  • For the Record

    The battle over same-sex marriage in the courts -- public courts, religious courts, the court of public opinion -- recently led me into a long...

  • One More Dance

    ''I love all things Russian -- I'm a Russophile, '' grins playwright Norman Allen. ''I read War and Peace every year. I also love ballet...

  • Perfect Harmony

    John Rowell's is a moving and hilarious new voice. His new story collection, The Music of Your Life concerns itself with the minutiae of everyday...

  • Rap+Pop = Alt-Hip Hop

    The Black Eyed Peas Elephunk A&M Records Appearing Live: 8/25 MCI Center The Black Eyed Peas There's only so much love to go around, obviously,...

  • A Thai Treasure

    (Photo by Todd Franson) While 49 Twelve Thai Cuisine won't win any awards for imagination with regard to its name -- those numbers come from...

  • Soundwaves

    WHERE THE GRAMMYS DON'T SHINE... The Grammy Awards are always a hit-and-miss ceremony, but every winner is a hit, commercially speaking. How, then, to even...

  • Hearsay

    Hard or soft, they're all big ol' balls to us… An androgynous legend announces retirement… Psst, want a used sex toy?… Hearsay has long concerned...

  • Visible Progress

    We've come a long way since the day Dr. Zachary Smith got lost in space. Or when Jodie Dallas came out to his family on...

  • Requisite Requiem

    The combining of popular movie horror icons to make a quick buck is a time-honored tradition in Hollywood. Anybody remember Frankstein Meets the Wolfman? But...

  • Environs

    4BR, 2BA Victorian in Logan Circle, with original stained glass, working dumbwaiter, and two modern refrigerators in a refurbished kitchen. Big airy rooms. Refurbished floors....

  • Watch and Wear

    Long before the Fab Five of Queer Eye took to the airwaves, fashionistas on TLC's What Not to Wear were transforming eyesores into knockouts. In...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I've been with my boyfriend for a year now and just found out that he's a sex addict. He says he hasn't been...