Metro Weekly

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  • Minority Report

    Just like that, I'm not a criminal any more. With the Supreme Court ruling on Lawrence v. Texas, I can cross Key Bridge from Georgetown...

  • Demolition Derby

    There's something really bothering me about Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, something that didn't bother me in the first two installments. Why do the...

  • Sell-A-Thon

    ''Over the season, we acquire a tremendous amount of costumes and hundreds of props, '' says Joy Zinoman, Artistic Director of the Studio Theatre. ''And...

  • Summer Froth

    In the soupy heat that defines Washington summer, one can cool off to the vanilla music of David Shire and chocolate lyrics of Richard Maltby,...

  • Eye Opener

    In television, summer is the season for cable to shine. Because the broadcast networks usually load their schedules with reruns, viewers in search of something...

  • Soundwaves

    POP LADY COMEBACKS… We're still waiting to hear of an American record label picking up Sonique's sophomore album, released last month in Europe. In the...

  • Hearsay

    Department store dancing and panthers at Rehoboth Beach… DJ Victor Martinez turns five in dog years… A fitting memorial at the Lantern… After Capital Pride...

  • A Supreme Victory

    One down, two to go. Wherever one stands on last week's Supreme Court decision striking down sodomy laws -- with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's moving...

  • Safe Sex

    June 26, 2003: It's a great day to be a sodomite. In the time line of our lives, this is a big one. They should...

  • Victory Party

    As the sun set on the gay victory day, the rally supporting the Supreme Court's decision overturning sodomy had already ended. Signs were scattered on...

  • Missing Persons

    If Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later has a point beyond paying homage to the films of George Romero, I'm at a loss as to what...

  • Ways with Words

    A softly lit Carnival mask, dappled in blue-green garden light, adorns the cover of Carolyn Parkhurst's debut novel The Dogs of Babel. Masks -- the...

  • Diamond Life

    Call it a rainbow flag connection, but feast your eyes on these earthly wonders. The Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History's Splendor of Diamonds brings together...

  • Triple Bard

    Shenandoah Shakespeare puts the art back in theatre with a rep of three equally-mesmerizing productions      Nestled in the heart of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley lies...

  • Grill Power

    The movement to improve outdoor space has been a long time coming. Backyards are becoming more saturated with furniture, appliances and recreational space. The well-manicured...

  • Page Turners

    Photography by Michael Wichita In the back of Sparky's coffee shop members of Boys and Books sit on folding chairs, bar stools, or crowded on...

  • Gaydar Testing

    As an official bookworm geek, one of my summer jobs is to read and score AP History exams for the College Board. The College Board...

  • Circuitry

    On the gay film festival circuit, Circuit continually packs theaters with eager audiences wanting a scintillating and incisive look at the party-based, sociological phenomenon of...

  • Caught on Tape

    It is a normal human tendency to rewrite our own personal histories as we would like to remember them. Moreover, it is not unusual for...

  • Soundwaves

    UPCOMING CDS TO BENEFIT GAY, AIDS CAUSES… Two pop music compilations are set for release to benefit AIDS and gay causes. Capitol Records is unveiling...