Metro Weekly

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  • Environs

    DITCH THE LAW, KEEP THE BED! Tastefully furnished 17th St. efficiency w/ Murphy bed, original artwork, HWFs, ceiling fan. Occupant is thrifty GM w/ skittish...

  • DADT Discharges

    Discharges from the military under the anti-gay ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell '' (DADT) policy declined by nearly a third in fiscal year 2002, the lowest...

  • All's Fair

    Over the weekend, our friend Linda boarded a plane en route to Iraq, decked out in her Army gear and ready to serve her country....

  • Let's Talk About Sex

    On the first full day of war in Iraq, a panel converged at the National Press Building to debate a different kind of struggle, once...

  • Traveling Man

    If he has his druthers after August, Tom Judson may never stay in another hotel again as long he lives. Not after a year of...

  • Maternal Instinct

    Photography by Michael Wichita ''Don't let the elephants fool you, '' says Sheron Rosen, gesturing toward an array of pachyderm figurines standing in various parts...

  • Career Move

    The logic goes something like this: Gay men love theatre, and gay men love porn, so if you take gay-porn stars and put them on...

  • Shipwrecked

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with Boat Trip. Nothing that an overhauled script and a different director couldn't have fixed. Talk about a comedy of...

  • Nifty History

    A Revolutionary musical shines at Ford's -- a much better bet than WSC's disjointed Henry V Freedom fighters: GrahamRowat, Huddleston and ClealePhoto by Stan Barouh...

  • Fresh Start

    The space that once housed Mrs. Simpson's is recast in an Italian light by restaurateur Vincenzo Belvito In this era of ever-increasing uncertainty we long...

  • Feelin' Groovy

    The Gay Men's Chorus packed in as much of the psychedelic '60s as it could for its latest concert Dudes of the decade The Gay...

  • Soundwaves

    NOW IT CAN BE TOLD… In our long wait as the Oscar jury deliberated about pronouncing Chicago last year's best movie, practically every news outlet...

  • Environs

    GIMMEE THAT COUNTRYSIDE! 50's hip gets a postmodern nose job in this bucolic 3BR hideaway. Ever-evolving hive of activity in social neighborhood. Expansive yard, exquisite...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I recently stayed in a posh New York hotel where porn was made available through a simple call to the front desk. Naturally,...

  • Monumentally Frank

    Original Photography by Michael Wichita Gays in Congress, while not exactly a dime a dozen these days, are also not the anomaly they once were....

  • Night of Kings

    On March 5th, D.C.'s monthly Drag King Night at Chaos celebrated its three-year anniversary. ''This is the world's longest-running drag king show, '' organizer and...

  • Crystal Clear

    To combat a growing tide in both sexually transmitted diseases and the abuse of meth-amphetamines (crystal meth), the Whitman-Walker Clinic hosted a community forum Monday...

  • To Your Health

    The first annual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health week is currently underway, reminding the LGBT community that its health needs go way beyond ginseng...

  • Lots of Love

    (Photo by Michael Wichita) ''People are connecting more to this music than they have to any music we've ever done,'' says Jeff Buhrman, artistic director...

  • Bad Dream

    Dreamcatcher aims to be a serious horror flick, but instead becomes an overwrought snooze fest No dream: Lewis meets the alien If you're feeling generous,...