DITCH THE LAW, KEEP THE BED! Tastefully furnished 17th St. efficiency w/ Murphy bed, original artwork, HWFs, ceiling fan. Occupant is thrifty GM w/ skittish...
Discharges from the military under the anti-gay ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell '' (DADT) policy declined by nearly a third in fiscal year 2002, the lowest...
Over the weekend, our friend Linda boarded a plane en route to Iraq, decked out in her Army gear and ready to serve her country....
On the first full day of war in Iraq, a panel converged at the National Press Building to debate a different kind of struggle, once...
If he has his druthers after August, Tom Judson may never stay in another hotel again as long he lives. Not after a year of...
Photography by Michael Wichita ''Don't let the elephants fool you, '' says Sheron Rosen, gesturing toward an array of pachyderm figurines standing in various parts...
The logic goes something like this: Gay men love theatre, and gay men love porn, so if you take gay-porn stars and put them on...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Boat Trip. Nothing that an overhauled script and a different director couldn't have fixed. Talk about a comedy of...
A Revolutionary musical shines at Ford's -- a much better bet than WSC's disjointed Henry V Freedom fighters: GrahamRowat, Huddleston and ClealePhoto by Stan Barouh...
The space that once housed Mrs. Simpson's is recast in an Italian light by restaurateur Vincenzo Belvito In this era of ever-increasing uncertainty we long...
The Gay Men's Chorus packed in as much of the psychedelic '60s as it could for its latest concert Dudes of the decade The Gay...
NOW IT CAN BE TOLD… In our long wait as the Oscar jury deliberated about pronouncing Chicago last year's best movie, practically every news outlet...
GIMMEE THAT COUNTRYSIDE! 50's hip gets a postmodern nose job in this bucolic 3BR hideaway. Ever-evolving hive of activity in social neighborhood. Expansive yard, exquisite...
Dear Lena, I recently stayed in a posh New York hotel where porn was made available through a simple call to the front desk. Naturally,...
Original Photography by Michael Wichita Gays in Congress, while not exactly a dime a dozen these days, are also not the anomaly they once were....
On March 5th, D.C.'s monthly Drag King Night at Chaos celebrated its three-year anniversary. ''This is the world's longest-running drag king show, '' organizer and...
To combat a growing tide in both sexually transmitted diseases and the abuse of meth-amphetamines (crystal meth), the Whitman-Walker Clinic hosted a community forum Monday...
The first annual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health week is currently underway, reminding the LGBT community that its health needs go way beyond ginseng...
(Photo by Michael Wichita) ''People are connecting more to this music than they have to any music we've ever done,'' says Jeff Buhrman, artistic director...
Dreamcatcher aims to be a serious horror flick, but instead becomes an overwrought snooze fest No dream: Lewis meets the alien If you're feeling generous,...