Metro Weekly

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  • Body and Soul

    Things would be much easier if that proverbial apple a day really did keep the doctor away. But getting and staying healthy is, of course,...

  • Latin Love

    In a triumphant return, Katsuya Fukushima brings his own flair to Café Atlantico's Nuevo Latino cuisine. Prepared tableside:Atlantico's guacamole Photo by Michael Wichita As you...

  • Distress Calls

    Even as the latest in smart bomb technology steams toward Iraq with Old Glory in tow, the U.S. military's homophobe corps is still finding time...

  • Gay Idol

    Whatever you do, don't call Sam Harris's upcoming performance at The Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre cabaret. ''We don't like the ‘c' word, '' he says in...

  • Get Happy

    A New York setting of yesteryear makes for a welcome comedic escape Dames at Sea is a confection of a musical -- nothing more than...

  • Soundwaves

    MIAMI WINTER MADNESS...Maybe you're just back from Miami and the 2003 Winter Party. Lucky bitch. Or maybe you're just about to leave for Miami and...

  • Allergy Prone

    Charles Busch's well-honed comedy of Manhattan socialites plays like a fine Jewish whine Actor-playwright Charles Busch -- sans his actor hat in this case --...

  • Environs

    SPACE TO SPIN YOUR WHEELS! Roomy 1BR w/ balcony, dishwasher in recently renovated bldg. Sensibly furnished, top-notch security, steps from Columbia Hgts Metro. Perfect for...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I'm a gay man who's always been a little unclear on the ''T'' part of the GLBT community, and I was particularly befuddled...

  • Duct and Cover

    Sometimes I feel like I'm in between Iraq and a hard place. But seriously, folks -- for lesbian feminists, the question of women in the...

  • Fit to Print?

    Ann Coulter-types who score book deals by condemning the media's ''liberal bias '' might infer affirmation from a recent report from the Gay and Lesbian...

  • Checking In with Food & Friends

    Shniderman ''This has been the winter from hell,'' says Food & Friends executive director Craig M. Shniderman, bemoaning the relative onslaught of snow that, in...

  • Rocky's Road

    Photography by Todd Franson Even in the early afternoon hours before the restaurant opens for dinner, you can feel the warmth in Rocky's Café. Maybe...

  • Rose Dud

    Two gay independent darlings turn in projects that make the movies safe again for naptime Playing for sleeps:Mulroney and Close (Photo by IFC Films) Rose...

  • Natural Selection

    Evolve will remind fans who want Ani never to change that they're thrilled with the results when she does. Highly evolved: DiFranco (Photo by TK)...

  • Glowing

    Chef John Wabeck's inspired creations make Firefly less a place to be seen than to enjoy a good meal with friends Woodsy appeal: Firefly. (Photo...

  • Dual Disappointment

    Neither Arena Stage nor Woolly Mammoth & Theater J can salvage new works that need more time on the drawing board Costumed crusader: Mudge (Photo...

  • Composing Himself

    Braswell ''What show is that from?'' By 1995, Mark Walter Braswell had heard the question so frequently when he'd sit down at the piano to...

  • Soundwaves

    NORAH REMIXED?... Last summer Norah Jones's record label commissioned a dance remix of her hit “Don't Know Why.” According to a New York Times profile,...

  • Hearsay

    The Green Lantern serves up a new attitude… The Eagle spreads its wings for the girls… Tidbits from all over the gossip globe… You may...