Things would be much easier if that proverbial apple a day really did keep the doctor away. But getting and staying healthy is, of course,...
In a triumphant return, Katsuya Fukushima brings his own flair to Café Atlantico's Nuevo Latino cuisine. Prepared tableside:Atlantico's guacamole Photo by Michael Wichita As you...
Even as the latest in smart bomb technology steams toward Iraq with Old Glory in tow, the U.S. military's homophobe corps is still finding time...
Whatever you do, don't call Sam Harris's upcoming performance at The Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre cabaret. ''We don't like the ‘c' word, '' he says in...
A New York setting of yesteryear makes for a welcome comedic escape Dames at Sea is a confection of a musical -- nothing more than...
MIAMI WINTER MADNESS...Maybe you're just back from Miami and the 2003 Winter Party. Lucky bitch. Or maybe you're just about to leave for Miami and...
Charles Busch's well-honed comedy of Manhattan socialites plays like a fine Jewish whine Actor-playwright Charles Busch -- sans his actor hat in this case --...
SPACE TO SPIN YOUR WHEELS! Roomy 1BR w/ balcony, dishwasher in recently renovated bldg. Sensibly furnished, top-notch security, steps from Columbia Hgts Metro. Perfect for...
Dear Lena, I'm a gay man who's always been a little unclear on the ''T'' part of the GLBT community, and I was particularly befuddled...
Sometimes I feel like I'm in between Iraq and a hard place. But seriously, folks -- for lesbian feminists, the question of women in the...
Ann Coulter-types who score book deals by condemning the media's ''liberal bias '' might infer affirmation from a recent report from the Gay and Lesbian...
Shniderman ''This has been the winter from hell,'' says Food & Friends executive director Craig M. Shniderman, bemoaning the relative onslaught of snow that, in...
Photography by Todd Franson Even in the early afternoon hours before the restaurant opens for dinner, you can feel the warmth in Rocky's Café. Maybe...
Two gay independent darlings turn in projects that make the movies safe again for naptime Playing for sleeps:Mulroney and Close (Photo by IFC Films) Rose...
Evolve will remind fans who want Ani never to change that they're thrilled with the results when she does. Highly evolved: DiFranco (Photo by TK)...
Chef John Wabeck's inspired creations make Firefly less a place to be seen than to enjoy a good meal with friends Woodsy appeal: Firefly. (Photo...
Neither Arena Stage nor Woolly Mammoth & Theater J can salvage new works that need more time on the drawing board Costumed crusader: Mudge (Photo...
Braswell ''What show is that from?'' By 1995, Mark Walter Braswell had heard the question so frequently when he'd sit down at the piano to...
NORAH REMIXED?... Last summer Norah Jones's record label commissioned a dance remix of her hit “Don't Know Why.” According to a New York Times profile,...
The Green Lantern serves up a new attitude… The Eagle spreads its wings for the girls… Tidbits from all over the gossip globe… You may...