Metro Weekly

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  • Auld Lang Syne

    For 10 year's ends in a row, starting in 1992 and ending in 2001, I and others on staff at the gay newspaper where I...

  • Towering

    Hobbit hunt: Wood Kneel, George Lucas, to the shrine of Peter Jackson. Ye have met your match. With The Lord of the Rings: The Two...

  • Film

    Was it my imagination or were movies actually better in 2002? Certainly, the record-breaking box office reflected the willingness of moviegoers to give an big...

  • Going Mental

    Probing for answers: Mendenhall, Roy and Brown. Photo by Stan Barouh      Existential farce.      Now there's a couple of words to strike terror in...

  • Sorry Sunday

    Poor Alice Ripley. The Tony-nominated Broadway veteran made such a charming impression last summer in the Sondheim Celebration as the rattled bride-to-be Amy in Company....

  • Choosing Its Battles

    The American Federation of Labor is linking arms with the Anti-Capitalist Convergence. The National Council of Churches is shoulder to shoulder with the ACLU. Even...

  • Stage

    Head of the Class: The Shape of Things (Photo by Carol Pratt) Another year, another hundred shows scrutinized. Luckily for local audiences, there was a...

  • Music

    Trey Anastasio Millions of people heard -- and continue to hear -- the worst album of the year. Very few heard the best. Maybe this...

  • Soundwaves

    There was plenty of good music in danceland in 2002, but it just wasn't selling. So record labels large and small cut back on dance...

  • Higher Things

    Kim English's neighbors were chatting the other day when the conversation turned to Ce Ce Peniston's ten-year-old anthem ''Finally.'' ''Didn't Kim sing that?'' one asked....

  • 2002 in Pictures

    Over 350 photos are featured in this week's printed edition of Metro Weekly. Click on the links below to view photos from our many events...

  • John Alix

    Photography by Jeff

  • Garrett Hurd

    Photography by Jeff Code “Gee, I sound like the most boring person in the entire world,” Garrett Hurd thought as he made his way through...

  • Robb Keffer

    Photography by Jeff Code “I love Samurai Jack and Powerpuff Girls. I’m not such a big fan of Space Ghost, but I watch it anyway....

  • Family Ties

    It's that time of year again -- the ho-ho-holidays, the spend-yourself-silly countdown to December 25. I'm a sucker for a shopping mall any day of...

  • Unlawfully Wed

    Right now, there's a country filled with gay Christian couples thanking God that their prayers have been answered. Right now, there's a Bible Belt packed...

  • Shore to Please

    On the halfshell: Redmond as Luther Billis. Photo credit: Scott Suchman For all the familiarity such a hit-laden musical theatre warhorse brings with it, Arena...

  • Soundwaves

    Mad'House Absolutely Mad Radikal Records Puretone Stuck in a Groove V2/BMG Picture Jennifer Love Hewitt making a tribute album to Madonna: It's not at all...

  • Melissa Etheridge: The Metro Weekly Interview

    Melissa Etheridge's staunch refusal to compromise her artistry has allowed her to remain true -- to her fans, to her music, and to herself.

  • 26 Questions for Melissa Etheridge (2002)

    Melissa Etheridge answers the Nightlife Coverboy questions.