After just one season, Peacock canceled its Queer as Folk reboot. The show followed a group of queer friends moving forward after a shooting at...
A U.S. military doctor who claimed to be the first-known active duty Army officer to come out as transgender in 2015 has been indicted for...
The Palm Center, a research institute that specializes in researching LGBTQ inclusion in the U.S. military, is shutting down day-to-day operations after 24 years of...
A U.S. Congressman has introduced a pair of bills to begin the process of creating a National Museum of American LGBTQ+ History and Culture. The...
Twitter users criticize Sen. Scott Wiener for attending a sex-positive festival in San Francisco.
Billy Eichner’s irreverently funny gay romantic comedy 'Bros' sneaks LGBTQ history lessons in between the bawdy sex scenes.
A soon-to-be-released book by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reveals that former President Donald Trump had an unhealthy obsession with hyper-masculinity and frequently mocked those who...
Amy Saidman floundered a bit after giving up her career as a teacher and before discovering her true calling — nurturing and promoting the art...
A poll from the Pew Research Center says that gay and bisexual men in the United States are more concerned about the recent monkeypox outbreak...
U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg blasted three of Texas’s statewide elected officials over their positions on various LGBTQ issues while making remarks at a political...
Prince George’s County Public Schools has agreed to settle a discrimination lawsuit brought by a transgender teacher who claimed she suffered years of “pervasive and...
Thousands of high school students across Virginia held walkouts to protest policies seeking to roll back transgender student protections.
A Boston-area high school aimed to avoid placing items that can “cause disruption or distraction” in classrooms, the principal said.
The Pride Alliance agreed to delay its recognition after Yeshiva suspended all student activities to avoid recognizing the LGBTQ group.
An annual outdoor adventure challenge across D.C., this year's citywide scavenger hunt is dubbed "The Wordsmith's Wriddle."
On Saturday, September 17, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a state bill into law that will provide assistance to military veterans who were forcibly discharged...
Synetic presents a second revival of the thrilling show in honor of the company's 20th anniversary, with updated sets and costumes.
The Charles Finney School, a private Christian school in Penfield, New York, has come under fire from parents and students after updating its school handbook...
From Bowie to Babylon, Ryan Coogler to Steven Spielberg. New reveries and rich mysteries await in this trove of upcoming films.
Two-thirds of Cuban voters have approved a revised family code legalizing same-sex marriage and adoption, as well as other rights.
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