Metro Weekly

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  • Three Cheers

    There's a gem of a new musical to be found at Alexandria's MetroStage right now -- Three Sistahs, featuring the positively crackerjack trio of Crysta...

  • Soundwaves

    DJ Chris Cox Provocative Trance Provocative Music/Capitol Records DJ Dave Dresden Provocative Progressive Provocative Music/Capitol Records What, precisely, is trance? Or progressive? It's hard to...

  • Inevitably Ani

    Ani DiFranco      There's no business like show business. Unless you're Ani DiFranco, in which case you'd probably fire your agent for even suggesting such...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Miss Lena,      I like to use poppers during sex but my boyfriend doesn't. He's tried them and liked them, but now refuses purely...

  • Bull Market

    Photography by Michael Wichita and Jackie Hubschman Being so close to Washington, there are spectators here at the Atlantic Stampede who have probably seen more...

  • Tennis, Anyone?

         All it took for tennis to shed its stuffy, elitist reputation was a long-haired sex symbol with a cocky attitude, a few Canon commercials...

  • Fantastic Farce

    Nuclear Family: Reese, Harris, Frith and McGinn (Photo by Carol Pratt )      Even if you've seen productions of What the Butler Saw, the final...

  • Anemic Anthems

    Is the story of Washington, D.C. -- the quirks, flaws and distinctions that transcend the standard image projected day in and day out by the...

  • Swimmer's Cramp

    All wet: Bradford.      You know that commercial where two girls wax idiotically about how good their yogurt is? Let's imagine for a moment they...

  • Soundwaves

    The Riddler Dance Mix NYC -- Vol. 2 Tommy Boy Records Alcazar Casino E-Magine/RCA It takes hubris to be a DJ, obviously. The Riddler is...

  • Hearsay

    Hearsay goes jeans crazy at U-Gear's Fashion Show… Mayor Williams goes triangle crazy on 17th… The newest crowns in town… See more of MW's Exclusive...

  • Getting ”Naked” with Amber

    The thanks to ''all my fantastic fans! You're my inspiration!'' dispatched by almost every pop star in their album booklets is usually meaningless blather and...

  • San Francisco Treat

    Glittering: Cockette Dusty Dawn (center). John Waters puts it best. ''They were the first kind of, like, bearded drag queens -- hippie, weird, freak drag...

  • Stranger in a Straight Land

    There we sat in a staff meeting, all twelve of us, listening to the vice president for operations talk about kitchen upkeep.      "Every bottom...

  • Striking Out

         For a bowler, there's no sweeter sound than the clamor of ten white pins crashing to the floor in a strike.      ''I love...

  • Sacred Ground

    Two on the Twelfth: Sutton and Twyford (Photo by Stan Barouh ) Has enough time passed since the horror of September 11 that the terrorists'...

  • Five Star Album

    Andy Stochansky, despite his strengths, falls squarely into the dreaded ''...but he sucks live'' category. His recent stint at the Iota Café in Clarendon can...

  • Film Preview

    SEPTEMBER City by the Sea CITY BY THE SEA -- Robert DeNiro plays a police detective whose son (James Franco) becomes a primary suspect in...

  • Art Preview

    American Visionary Art Museum 800 Key Highway Baltimore, Md. 410-244-1900 High on Life: Transcending Addiction -- Featuring artwork created by drug addicts while in the...

  • Dance Preview

    Dance Place 3225 8th St. NE 202-269-1600 Bolshoi Ballet Step Afrika! -- Explosive and percussive ensemble highlighting the African-American fraternity and sorority art form...