Metro Weekly

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  • Well-Deserved Break

    Beth Orton Not that it matters, but Beth Orton is huge. Six feet tall, to be exact. Being tall may have bolstered Uma Thurman's career...

  • Final Examination

    Little Lady: Blair Brown as Desiree (Photo by Joan Marcus)      Settle down, class. Our summer session in Sondheim analysis isn't over just yet. But...

  • Icy Terrain

    Photography by Michael Wichita Write what you know. It's the sage advice all aspiring novelists hear, and Brian Malloy took it to heart when creating...

  • Truly Yours

    Dear Lena, I have a roommate and she's a slob. I'm not a ''Neat Freak,'' but I get tired of doing her dirty dishes left...

  • Women's Work

    Let's say you're in Portland, Oregon. You're on tour, packing it in after each gig and schlepping it to the next town where your audience...

  • This One's for the Ladies

    Straight Talking, Hard Knocking, Indie Rocking Women with a Cause. Have a Seat, Fellas... Tsunami Without the retro value or stretch pants of Charlie's Angels,...

  • Unsettling Signs

    Signs is not the movie you think it is. No matter what you think you may have gleaned from the film's previews (on television almost...

  • Striking Discord

    Scott Fortier as The Son. (Photo by Fredde Lieberman)      ''A work of art dealing with the night, especially a dreamy, pensive composition for the...

  • Fifth and Counting

    Counting Crows Gotta love it. As the rest of us suffer because of our intrinsic fears of commitment, Adam Duritz is making millions off of...

  • Soundwaves

    DJ Spooky Optometry Thirsty Ear The Blue Series Continuum was launched on the theory that throwing together groups of mismatched musicians would have the Odd...

  • Soundwaves

    Various ArtistsThis Is Ultimate DanceJ Records Various ArtistsThis Is Ultimate DanceJ Records Remember Ultimate Dance Party? Arista Records produced the popular, short-lived album series of...

  • Infestation

    Taking a bite out of crime: Overton and big-ass spider.      A few weeks ago on the American Movie Classics cable network I caught a...

  • Powerful Project

    Multiple personalities: The Laramie Project cast. (Photo by Stan Barouh)      Theatre as documentary. As investigation. As memorial. As catharsis. As condemnation. As redemption.     ...

  • Stirring Passion

    The 1994 musical Passion is an exquisite examination of romantic desire turned into destructive obsession, and it's replete with some of composer Stephen Sondheim's most...

  • Jailhouse Rock

    Martha, Martha, Martha: Stewart Goes Quiet I remember compiling my first collection of melodies like it was yesterday. Since there were no cassette tapes back...

  • State of Freedom

    You get the feeling that Blake Humphreys can't help but look enthusiastic. There's the sparkle in the eye, the impression of constant forward movement, the...

  • Renegades Rugby

    Washington Renegades (Photo by Michael Wichita) Just watching a Washington Renegades rugby practice from the sidelines, one starts to feel gripped by the passion on...

  • Future Tense

    Photos by Michael Wichita and Jonathan Padget We consider ourselves a pretty modern, no nonsense society when it comes to forward-thinking. Low-tar cigarettes, tap lights,...

  • Mob Mentality

    Destined for Greatness: Hanks      “What subject did you like in school?” Michael Sullivan (Tom Hanks) asks his son, Michael, Jr. (Tyler Hoechlin). “Bible history,”...

  • Freaks and Greeks

    In the annals of science fiction, our planet has been attacked by, among other things, Crab Monsters, Giant Leeches, Killer Tomatoes, Eye Creatures, Mushroom People,...