Ads attacking Biden for allegedly supporting "gender change treatment for minors" to target swing voters in Michigan
Jordan Kirk believes he was the victim of discrimination because he is a man carrying a purse
The longtime gay leather bar filed for bankruptcy in June, freezing its bank accounts and causing checks to bounce.
Challenger to House Ways and Means Chairman calls timing of allegations "incredibly suspicious"
Marjorie Taylor Greene supports Donald Trump and has a history of transphobia, anti-Semitism, racism, and Islamophobia
Dr. Allen Bergin said that his views had changed after a 'painful education' from his gay sons
California senator is a strong supporter of LGBTQ rights and would make history if elected
Daniel Charles Svoboda claims flying the "sodomite flag" at a church "sends the wrong message to the world"
Sims and another gay lawmaker have alleged Thomas Murt's pro-LGBTQ bill is "performative" and an election-year ploy
Ellis doubles-down on transphobia in tweets, continues to troll LGBTQ groups and her critics
Political group alleges Alex Morse pursued relationships with some of their members, creating a "lopsided power dynamic"
Graham's statue will replace that of former Gov. Charles Aycock, whose advocacy of white supremacy is now under scrutiny
NHS England blamed a "drafting error" for a report that included LGBTQ staff alongside those with disabilities
One of the attackers, who faces hate crime charges, allegedly said being gay "gives Arabs a bad name"
Gay heroes Hulkling and Wiccan married in a surprise ceremony in Marvel's Empyre #4
LGBTQ advocates urge college sporting association to relocate events from Idaho, as it did with North Carolina in 2016
Liberty's Board of Trustees announces Falwell's exit following scandal over racy photo
Circuit court finds Florida school district's policy on sex-segregated restrooms violated Drew Adams' constitutional rights
Judge had previously warned Idaho lawmakers not to disobey an order she issued two years ago
Rico LeBlond's guilty plea comes after a hung jury trial and a subsequent murder conviction that was later overturned