Outrage stoked after local recreation organization's Facebook page takes swipe at Dr. Rachel Levine
The Neo-Nazis also insulted a passing black woman and yelled "God hates the gays"
Former high-ranking LGBTQ official in Trump administration also decries Victory Fund as partisan in a series of Tweets
Trump administration tells homeless shelters how to identify and deny access to trans women
Joe Biden has urged the Pentagon to reverse the ban, "or as President, I will"
Angela Stanton-King has claimed the LGBTQ movement sexualizes children, and lamented societal acceptance of transgenderism
Jacob Brashier says he was repeatedly called "faggot" on the job and had a soiled rag thrown in his face
LGBTQ lawmakers had to revive bill banning gay or trans panic defense after Senate leaders killed it for expediency
Transgender representation is nonexistent, while lesbian and bisexual representation has decreased
Jesse Hammons claims his was the victim of unlawful sex discrimination due to his gender identity
The State Department commission emphasized "religious freedom" and criticized courts for extending rights to people
Hallmark's parent company said it is "committed to creating a Hallmark experience where everyone feels welcome"
Annise Parker rose to become Houston's first LGBTQ mayor. Now leading the Victory Fund, she's helping others reach even higher.
Supervisor Rafael Mandelman says outdated regulations haven't kept pace with changes in HIV testing and treatment
The list ranks colleges on inclusion, support services, academic life, and affordability.
Change in punishments for homosexuality comes as part of larger package of legal reforms
After over a decade, the newly-rechristened Chicks return with a comeback recording that showcases their greatest strengths
"Cursed" remixes Arthurian legend into an overwrought origin story for the Lady of the Lake
Theater dynamo Psalmayene 24 is currently hosting an online salon series at Studio
Artomatic 2.0 starts on Monday, July 20 and runs for a full month with a full virtual experience.