Groups go on record opposing anti-transgender bills, including two that recently passed in Idaho
Plaintiffs allege government's actions put LGBTQ community at risk of discrimination amid a major pandemic
Bryan Fischer says more time spent together by families can reverse "anti-family trends" in society
Quinn called it a win for "everybody who has ever felt left out or marginalized or laughed at"
U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski is the only House Democrat to oppose the Equality Act
Lambda Legal: Idaho "might as well tear down the federal courthouse" if Brad Little signs bill into law
Conservative columnist attempts to dispel arguments that LGBTQ people are "particularly vulnerable" to COVID-19
Virtual Drag Queen Story Hour and karaoke events attempt to keep the community connected across physical distances
D.C.'s largest LGBTQ youth group tries to stay connected even as people are urged to practice social distancing
Mark Steyn said the mayor didn't want "all the gays dropping dead" in a "big gay apocalypse"
Awards were canceled in order to comply with calls to suspend mass gatherings amid COVID-19 pandemic
LGBTQ advocates call on Gov. Brad Little to veto the measure
The former rising star in Democratic Party has announced he will be entering rehab for alcoholism
Club is considering opening up online voting to endorse candidates ahead of upcoming elections
Larry Hogan says restrictions may seem extreme, but are needed because pandemic is "much worse" than expected
People are encouraged to take precautions, such as hand-washing and social distancing, to protect themselves
Measures are intended to promote "social distancing" to "flatten the curve" of the COVID-19 pandemic
An Alabama conservative nonprofit group that was once headed by former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse...
L.A. Pride canceled its June events, so what of Washington, D.C's annual June celebration?
A Virginia county supervisor was criticized at a recent Board of Supervisors meeting for a Facebook rant alleging that an LGBTQ student club in one...