Transgender woman beaten into unconsciousness by a mob in Dallas
South Bend mayor casts his campaign as an antidote to the policies and politics of President Trump
LGBTQ organizations slammed the ban, calling it a "stain on our nation's history"
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Buttigieg criticized Pence's religion-fueled homophobia in a speech, saying his marriage to husband Chasten had brought him "closer to God"
In a rare moment of transparency, DeVos said that she knew revoking protections for transgender students would impact their mental health
Blessed with exceptional talent, local gay singer Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon has emerged as an American Idol frontrunner
Our picks of the best arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Writer-director Jamie Patterson breaks down some behind-the-scenes T on his film "Tucked"
Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm's P.Y.G. preaches almost as much as it entertains
D'Affuso: "I'm totally letting go and am having an absolute blast"
The three-act play is crafted from hundreds of interviews with friends, family, and neighbors of Shepard
"Music and Mindfulness" brings together a small group of musicians with yoga teacher Michael Peterson
This year's benefit-raising Cherry event promises to be bigger and better than ever
Our picks of the best LGBTQ nightlife in the D.C. area this week!
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Swift thanked the Tennessee Equality Project for its efforts to combat a "Slate of Hate" -- six bills designed to legalize anti-LGBTQ discrimination
Brandon Wiley shared photos of himself covered in the victim's blood after the attack
Republican Gov. Charlie Baker signed the ban into law to protect LGBTQ minors in the state
Bills would allow adoption agencies, businesses, school districts and more entities to discriminate against LGBTQ people