Jennifer Hart drove her family's SUV over a cliff in California last year, killing everyone onboard
Huckabee blames Christian churches for their "failure to apply a biblical standard of maleness and femaleness"
Gay presidential candidate takes swipes at Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and the proposed transgender military ban
Philadelphia, St. Louis, and New Orleans and more should be top of your travel list this spring
Palmetto State becomes 10th state on California's travel ban list
People in hundreds of professions across the state would be protected from legal action if they discriminate
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are calling it the "Swiss Army knife" of immunotherapies
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Complaint alleges county's insurance exclusion on transition-related care constitutes a form of sex discrimination
Kaycee Cook was told she was "no longer welcome" in school after reporting the flyers to Wyoming Equality
Under old policy, same-sex couples were considered "apostates" and could be threatened with excommunication
Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney's measure would crack down on fraudulent Medicaid billing practices
Mara Keisling has worked too hard and for too long to let Donald Trump undo the progress of transgender rights. She's fighting him every step...
Tense new productions of Native Son and columbinus explore toxic male rage, with varying degrees of success
Our picks of the best LGBTQ nightlife in the D.C. area this week!
A colorful, kid-sized adventure, "Shazam!" adds a super-powered goofball to the DC Universe
Gina Chavez revels in sharing her outside-the-box life and music everywhere -- not least that she's a practicing Catholic and married lesbian
Mapplethorpe's work is explored through sights and sounds in an original piece by Bryce Dessner and Korde Tuttle
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
The annual awards present $2,000 scholarships to six LGBTQ high school athletes